keeping company

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Himiko was just doing a magic show with her master. Later, Himiko went home. Her mom was the one driving. She still lived with her parents, she doesn't like being alone. As they were driving, her mom and dad brought up something.
Mom: "Himiko, we are gonna have to tell you something now."
"Nyeh? What is it?"
"Well me and your dad are going out for a few days, or weeks. And we know you don't like being alone so..."
Dad: We have someone who can keep you company. She seems perfect. What do you think? We'll show you how she looks and stuff like that when we get home."

Himiko's pov

"Nyeh??" I was surprised.
"Nyeeeh...I don't know..."
Mom: "come on Himiko, please?"
Dad: you can stay alone if you'd like to, but we figured that you wouldn't want to be alone."
I wasn't sure on what to do. Later I made up my mind. I just hope it's not going to be someone annoying.
Mom: Thanks, Himiko.

A couple days later

I woke up from bed, and it was already 11:36 am. I went into the living room and my mom began speaking. "Hello Himiko. Good morning I guess. Me and your dad are gonna leave today, and the girl is on her way. If you forgot, her name is Tenko. And you probably didn't forget she's an ultimate like you."
"Nyeh...yeah...what time will she be here?"
"She said she should be here at about 11:50"
"Oh. I'm going to go get dressed."
I got dressed and came out of my room again.


Later, it was 11:51 and she got here. She had really long hair. It was like a dark green. For some reason, she was looking at my dad weirdly. And then, her eyes met mine. It looked like she blushed a little. She greeted my parents and began to walk near me.
"Oh! This must be you! You're a ultimate Magician, right?"
getting a little mad, I said:
"Nyeh..I'm a mage, not a magician, magic is real!"
She apologized. "Yeah! Sorry."
"Anyways..I'm Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Mage."
She looked so excited and happy.
"I'm so pleased to meet you!"
"Alright, bye Himiko!" My parents said
"Bye." And then they left.
I found myself staring at Tenko a little bit, analyzing how she looks. She's really tall compared to me.
"So...what's your talent?"
"Oh yeah!" She said "I'm the Ultimate Neo Aikido Master!"
I had no idea what that was. "Nyeh? What's that?"
She explained what it was.
I guess it was pretty cool.
"So.." Tenko said. "I feel like I've heard of you before. Are you like popular or something? Do you do magic shows?"
"Yeah actually, I do."
"That's so cool!"
"So what do you want to do?" She asked. "Oh! I have an idea, can you show me some of your magic?"
I didn't really feel like doing anything at the moment, but she looked so excited so I just agreed. I did some magic and she looked really happy.
"Wow! That's so cool! I've always wanted to be like this actually. I'm happy to meet someone like you! And plus, you are adorable!"
I blushed a little, but she was giving me a weird look like I was making a weird face.
"Sorry! Did I upset you?" She said.
"No..I was just... b-blushing?"

Tenko's pov

Wow. When I saw her, I have to admit my first thought was "wow she's so cute!" I'm happy to meet a mage. She's so short and adorable.

A couple hours later

I noticed that it seems like it's hard to tell what emotion she is feeling. She seems a bit shy to show her emotions. I wonder why.
"Himiko?" I said, I was a bit nervous that I would upset her but..I'm just gonna do it anyways.
"Nyeh? What's wrong?" She said.
"N-nevermind." I decided to not say anything, because we just met today, so I shouldn't go and assume things.
"Okay...? Nyeh...."
"What's wrong Himiko?"
"Nyeeeh... I'm tired.. I'm going to go to sleep now.." I then realized I didn't know we're I was supposed to sleep. I guess her parents forgot to tell me.
"Wait, before you go, where am I supposed to sleep?"
"Nyeh..we do have a guest room, but I'm just going to warm you, it's a bit cold in there, my parents keep forgetting to fix it, the heat doesn't really work in there. I guess I'll have to get you a blanket. I'll be right back"
She didn't go too far. There was a extra blanket in a closet it seems, and she was trying to reach it but she was too short.
"You want me to get it?"
She was still trying to reach it, and I was walking over there.
As I got over there, something was about to fall on her head.
From a quick reaction, I got it out of the way so it didn't hit her. It looks like it was an glass piece that was attached to a picture. It was a picture of her and her parents together. She looked so cute when she was smiling.
"Oh no..."
"Don't worry Himiko! I'll get another glass piece!"
She looked like she was about to say something, but then stopped.
I got the blanket and she showed me the guest room.
"Nyeeeh...thank you for getting that glass out of the way".
"Oh! You're welcome!"
I went into the room, it was actually super cold, since it was already cold outside. Himiko stepped in the room.
"Oh..I guess it's more cold then I can sleep in my room if you want, or you can sleep on the couch, but it's not that comfortable for sleeping. Just do whatever, in tired".
I blushed a little. I wanted to sleep in her room. "So it's alright if I sleep in your room?" She nodded. She looked really tired. "Nyeh..I have a mattress in the closet, I'll go-"
"That's alright Himiko! I'll get it!"
"Okay..nyeh..." She went into her room and waited for me to get the mattress. I put the mattress on the floor and got the blanket and she gave me a pillow. She turned off the light and got in her bed. "Goodnight Himiko."
"Nyeh... goodnight..."

Tenko x HimikoWhere stories live. Discover now