already time

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Another week has already passed by. I don't want Tenko to leave to be honest. I'm left alone all the time and she is like the only one there for me besides my parents. She seems like she really likes me and it makes be happy...nyeh...I wish she could stay here forever. I was just sitting on the couch with Tenko and in the corner of my eye I think I see her looking at me.
I looked over, and she was.
"You okay Himiko?" She said.
"Nyeh...I guess so..." Which was pretty much a lie. "Are you sure? You look pretty sad. I don't want you to be sad. What ever is wrong, I'll help you".
"'s just...nyeh....I don't.. I don't really want you to leave Tenko, that's all.."
"Aww it's okay.."
"You know, I think we've became friends. I can visit you sometimes and we can hang out! I won't leave you! And I'll always be there for you!" She smiled. "Thanks!" I smiled back.
Why is she so nice to me? Shes been the nicest to me than anyone else. So far it's been 3 weeks of her being here.
I really enjoy spending time with her. I love her! I found myself smiling. Ok...let me just pretend like that never happened.
"Why are you smiling Himiko? It's so cute!"
I smiled again. "No reason".
I received a message from my mom.
It says "Hey Himiko. How are you? Is Tenko being nice? Just know that I'm coming home tomorrow. I love you."
Even though that me and Tenko would be visiting each other, I still got sad. I replied with "yeah, I'm fine. Tenko is being really nice." And turned off my phone.
"Nyeh...My parents are coming home tomorrow...Tenko..." I noticed she looked sad also, but then she hugged me. "Here Himiko. You can have my number! That way we can talk all the time!"
"Yay" I smiled. Before we knew it, it was already night and we fell asleep on the couch.

Tenko's pov

I woke up to hearing people opening the front door. It was her parents. They were already here. I looked over and Himiko was still asleep. I nudged her "Himiko..." She woke up.
"Hello Tenko and Himiko!" Said her mom. "Thanks for staying here for Himiko." Said her dad.
"You're welcome.." I looked over at Himiko. She looked tired, but also sad.
"Don't forget to text me Himiko!" I smiled.
"Yeah". She smiled too. I love when she smiles. "I guess I'll be leaving now."
"You can stay here for one more day if you'd like. I'd like to get to know you some more. I know stuff about you already sense you stayed here with Himiko, but you can stay here again." Said her dad. I'm surprised a degenerate male is being so nice. "Alright! Thank you!"

At dinner
Me and Himiko we're having so much fun together. And then I heard her mom say that dinner is done, so we went in there and sat at the table. They made something different. It wasn't like Japanese food, but instead it was spaghetti. I don't think I've ever tried it before, but it looks good. Himiko looks exited to eat it. She acts like she's just a little kid and its adorable. "Here you go Tenko, and Himiko". Said her dad.
We all sat down at the table and ate.
"So did you guys have fun?" Said her dad.
"I'm glad!" Said her mom, smiling.
"Thanks Tenko for staying here". Said her dad. "No problem.."
Her mom began to speak. "It looks like you guys are already good friends, am I wrong?"
"Nope, you're not wrong! I love Himiko! I'll always be there for her!" I smiled. Her mom smiled too.
Time passed by. We were done eating.
Her mom said
"If it's alright with Himiko, you can come over anytime"
"Of course I will! Is that alright Himiko?"
"Yeah!" She said smiling.
It was night already.
"Bye Himiko! We can meet up soon if you want!"
"Okay! Bye Tenko."
They kept meeting up and going to places together for weeks, and months. They had lots of fun together. And now Himiko was going to have a sleepover at Tenko's house.

Himiko's pov
I finally got to Tenko's house and I knocked on the door. She was smiling brightly. It makes me happy when she smiles. It makes me smile too. I realized that I think I like her...nyeh...
That's not good...she probably doesn't even like me back. But there is a few things that kinda make me think she does sometimes..she's always calling me cute, and always protective with me. She gave me a nickname a few days ago. She calls me "strawberry shortcake" she says she calls me that because my hair color for the strawberry, and I'm short, and she says I'm sweet like cake. Nyeh...I honestly like it but I don't want to admit it.
"Come on in, strawberry shortcake!" She smiled and I blushed a little.
I came in her house. Her house looked good as always. "I made ice cream for you Himiko! I hope you like it! It's vanilla and strawberry!"
"Oooh yay thanks Tenko!!" I was happy that she made it for me. I wasn't expecting that. "So... Himiko..."
"I think...I think I have something to tell you.." she looked nervous. I started to get nervous too because I thought that whatever she was going to say was going to be bad...nyeh...oh no...
" think you are very adorable, sweet, and an amazing person...I love everything about you.."
I couldn't believe what I just
"I always catch myself thinking about you and what we could be.."
"Himiko...I think- no, I know...I love you Himiko! You are bisexual right??!"
I paused for a second. I had to collect everything I just heard..nyeh...did.. I- is this... really happening?!
"T-tenko... I.. return your feelings!"
We were both blushing alot. She looked a little relieved and really happy. And so was I...I can't believe this is dream..came true! Suddenly I started crying tears of joy. She ran over to me quickly and hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad that you like me back Himiko! So you are bisexual, right?"
"Yeah! Are you lesbian?" She nodded. I thought so. It seems like she never liked males. "So will you be my girlfriend Himiko?!"
"Nyeh! Of course! This must be because of my magic!" I joked around and we both started giggling.

It's not the end yet? I'll make some more parts soon.

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