A new day

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It was morning now, I woke up and saw Himiko sleeping. She looked so fricking cute! I didn't wanna wake her. I just decided to go to the kitchen and see what they have so I can make her something. I decided to make some pancakes, hoping that she would like them. I went to her room and she was still sleeping. I attempted to wake her up but failed. I tried shaking her shoulder and saying her name. She finally woke up.
"Nyeh...I'm still tired.."
"Come on Himiko! Wake up. It will be better for you, and I made some pancakes. I hope you like them."
She got up and still looked tired.
"Can you give me a piggyback ride to the kitchen?"
I was happy that she wanted me to do that and I happily accepted. "Y-yeah! Of course!" I took her to the kitchen.
"That looks good...yummy"
I was happy. She started to eat them and it seems like she liked them!
"Thanks, Tenko. They are good!" She smiled
"No problem!"
I accidentally blurted out, "you are so adorable when you smile!" Oops..

Himiko's pov

She called me cute again.. well I have to admit, she is pretty.
I slightly blushed again. She looked confused but then she looked like she knew I was blushing. She was blushing too.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that".
"It's okay."
Later, we decided to watch magic shows and stuff.
"Hey Himiko, let's go outside for a bit! It would be nice if we went outside!"
"But that's a pain..." I didn't feel like going outside...what a pain.
"Please Himiko? I'll give you a piggyback ride! Oh and I'll buy you some ice cream!"
"It's a deal!" I smiled
She smiled too and I went on her back for a piggyback ride. There was a ice cream place not to far away from my house. she walked there while I was on her back. We arrived.
"What's your favorite ice cream flavor? You can have two scoops of ice cream if you want."
"Can I have strawberry on the bottom, and vanilla on top, with sprinkles?"
"Of course! Im just gonna get vanilla ice cream."
She payed for the ice cream and got it. We sat down at the tables outside. It was warm today. "Nyeh..thanks Tenko for the ice cream!" "No problem!" She said happily.
Later, we both finished our ice cream. We headed back to my house, and she was giving me another piggyback ride.
When we got home I had to use the bathroom..
"Is there something wrong?"
"I need to use the bathroom.. but I'm too scared." "Don't worry Himiko! I'm here!" She seemed really protective. I just went ahead and went to the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, I was surprised. She randomly gave me a hug. "Good job Himiko!"
"Nyeh?" I hugged her back.

A couple days later

So getting ice cream was like almost a every day thing now. My parents texted me and told me that they will be gone for 2 more weeks. I got a little sad, because surprisingly I actually liked Tenko. Sometimes I wanted her to stop bothering me, but I would be sad without her and I really enjoy spending time with her.
She gave me a piggyback ride and we went to get ice cream again. We sat down and started eating. We ended up having a conversation about magic. "Magic really is real" I sad smiling. I'm glad she believed me. Suddenly a group of people sitting at the table next to us started laughing. "Magic isn't real!" One of them said laughing. "Are you stupid or something?" The other said. I got sad and I looked over and Tenko looked really angry and she stood up. "Shut up! Leave her alone! Especially you degenerate males! I will hurt you with my aikido skills!" She looked more angry. They backed off a bit but they were still kinda chuckling. "Leave her alone already! If she says magic is real then It's real!" She stood up again and got closer to one of the boys. They backed up and decided to leave. They looked a bit scared. "Are you okay, Himiko? I'm really sorry about them! They suck! Especially the stupid degenerate males!"
"N-nyeh..I'm okay...stuff like that has happened to me before..I guess I'll be fine..." She came in and gave me a big hug.
"You know Himiko, it's okay to show your emotions. Don't be scared to. It can help alot if you cry, laugh, and things like that. Don't keep it all in. And don't worry, I'm here for you.
Her voice and her warmth as she hugged me was so calming. I decided to listen to her. I hugged her back.

Tenko x HimikoWhere stories live. Discover now