Chapter 11

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Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.

Louis continuously repeated it in his brain, reminding himself that his anger is always hell. He always ends up doing something he wasn't suppose to do and later regrets it. No matter what happens, it always ends up that way.

Louis was sat on his bed with his head in the grip of both of his palms as he looked on his lap. He tried steadying his breath by breathing deeply and slowly but nothing seemed to be happening. He didn't understand why he was hyperventilating like that, yet here he was.

This started when he was all alone in his room, when he didn't have Zayn to be with him, when he started to recall everything that freshly happened few moments ago. When started over-thinking.

He remembered how he actually stood up for Harry. He remembered how he punched Dan on the cheek. He remembered cursing at Dan and Liam and yelling at them to leave the house. He had always hated those two, but always acted out as a 'friend' with them, also did Zayn. It was what being acquaintances costed them. But neither of them has ever cursed them out of the house like that.

He screamed out in frustration, pulling the strands of his hair. He let go of them before he hit his forehead a few times. Then he punched the mattress of his bed. He did it again and again and again. Repeatedly to ease the anger and frustration that was bubbling inside of him, doubling by the minute that passed by. Nothing seemed to be helping him out at the moment.

He knew what was to come now. His episodes.

His dreaded episodes weren't breakdowns and uncontrollable sobs like any normal person. Oh no, Louis was far from normal. His episodes involved severe rage, extreme madness. Something uncontrollable till he had done what he wanted, what he thought would let him loose.

Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry

His mind was spinning around this name. Telling him that he was the cause of all of this. Telling him that the poor boy was to be blamed here. Telling him that the helpless lad was at fault. Telling him that the innocent soul should get what he deserves. Should get his punishment.

No No No. Louis repeated in his mind. Harry is not guilty here. Harry had nothing to do with all of that. It was Dan. Dan deserved what he got.

Even when he repeated the truth in his mind, his brain was too much intelligent for him. More powerful than him. Twisting his thoughts, it pushed him forward to stand up. No matter how much he tried to protest the force, he was turned against Harry. He needed something, someone to let out his anger on. And Harry it was.

He wanted to finish this madness in his brain. So he marched to his door, swinging it open so much that it slammed against the wall on the other side.

This sudden noise, that echoed in the quiet house, startled Zayn and Paul who were still in the living room. Their heads snapped towards the stairs. Right after that, they heard heavy foot steps across the ceiling making their eyes go wide as they looked at each other, fearing what they both had thought to be true. They heard another door slam open the same way but from the other side and their suspicion was cleared once they heard Louis' loud voice.

"You're coming with me!"

On their first instinct, they both sprinted off of their spots and went straight up the stairs as fast as their legs could handle. Reaching on the first floor, they wanted to run towards Harry's room. They were too late though, seeing Louis was almost near his private room door, which was just beside his bedroom with a door connecting them both from inside, dragging a mortified looking Harry with tears all over his pink tinted cheeks.

"Please! I didn't do anything! Please, let me go! I beg you!" Harry was begging miserably but Louis was not the one to listen to anyone once he was going through one of his episodes.

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