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Only Mine


Zoë's P.O.V


I looked at the sun setting I just couldn't face him I wanted to cry but I couldn't. My body felt immobile under his gaze and I could feel It burn into me.

"I just don't feel what I felt in the beginning" Zack said

My heart shattered.

I wanted to cry and beg but my body just wouldn't move at all.

"So I guess I will -er see you around" he finished and he walked away I looked at the one I used to call my everything fade away into the distance... I let a tear slip then a few more and before I knew it I was sobbing on the ground.

After a while I pulled myself together and walked over to my car I got in it and head for home.....alone.

2 days later

I can't bring myself together Zack was everything I ever wanted and needed and I'm loosing it without him this is day 2 without him and I've done nothing but cry. I finally deicide to get up from my bed and I looked at myself in the mirror.

Go to a club go enjoy yourself for once...

I decided to listen to myself and I started to get ready to have fun by myself I didn't want and of my friends to get involved.

-*-*-*2 hours later-*-*-*-*

I looked round the club and everyone looks wasted and at the climax of their "drunkness" I decided that I will only come for a couple of drinks. I walked over and ordered for a beer. the bar boy served my drink and I downed it.

I thought of Zack and how much I wanted to be in his arms a tear rolled down from my left cheek and fell into my cup but I quickly wiped it away there's no use crying over him he's not coming back....ever.

'Give me the largest can of beer you got'

I looked up and saw a boy around the age with Hazel eyes and golden hair he was wearing a white v- neck black jeans and Golden supras he looked....hot!

And he seemed to be checking me out too.

'Checking me out are we miss,' he smirked proudly. He looked like the type that just used girls to get some. He shifted closer.

'Dream on,' I scoffed and got up I smoothed down my dress which showcased my figure eight and my tanned body and proceeded to walk out the club I had had enough and wasn't interested in starting a new relationship just yet I mean I'm still mourning over my Zack we were the perfect two.

I was walking along the side walk when I heard footsteps which were not mine...

I began to walk faster I took a glance at my phone.... 11pm. Its that late already that guy must have kept me for a long time. I started to run I mean tally praised myself for wearing flats and not heels.

'Running is no use'

That only made me run faster I just need to get to a busy road which is just through the alley way I began sprinting down. I'm gonna make it I know I will.....

Jason's P.O.V

That's it baby keep running right into my trap.

I've been watching Zoë for about six months now and let's just say I'm obsessed with everything about her she beautiful, smart and caring everything I ever wanted in a girl she mine and I'm going to take her to be mine- tonight.

I picked up my phone and called my bro Alex who was older and I have to admit more stronger than I am.

"she almost there get ready to catch her and sedate her I will be there to back you up" I hollered directions down the phone.

"Ight mate got to go she's almost here" he ended the call. I couldn't help but to feel excited I was about to get the girl who I've been stalking for the last six months finally.

I jogged down the alley to meet my baby girl already sedated in the back seat of my BMW she looked so beautiful her brown locks fell past her shoulders and her chest rising up and down ever so slightly she was picture perfect and she looked so peaceful my bro was in the drivers seat ready to leave so I got in the back seat next to my baby God she was so perfect.

"she will be out for the next 4 hours which be more than enough time to get back to the house" Alex stated his eyes focused on the road he looked up in the mirror "Jason she's a true beauty" all I could do is grunt in agreement because I was to engrossed in my beautiful baby she was perfect and she's mine only.

*-*-*-*-*4 hours later*-*-*-*-

As we pulled up to our large house I couldn't wait till everybody could meets my girl but as looked at my phone I realised it was three in morning so I decided it can wait. I looked over at my girl and I rubbed my thumb across her cheek and she stirred a little God she is so cute I got out the car walked round to her side opened the door and carried her bridal style into the house quickly I lay her down on one side and climbed in next to her that night I fell asleep to the smell of mango and coconut.....it was perfect i finally have my baby and she's only mine.

The only thing now is to get her to love me and that won't be easy.


chapter 1 ^-^



love u all

stay swaggy xD

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