Chapter 1 - Good Morning

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Taylor's POV

Kayla was awake when I went into her room this morning, which surprised me. I guess she is really excited about going shopping today. Then I walked into Owen's room to get him up. He is just the cutest little boy. I saw him snuggled up next to his stuffed bear with his thumb in his mouth and felt bad for waking him. I am so glad he is mine. "Good morning Owen," I said as I rubbed his tummy. His blue eyes fluttered open, looked into mine and all I could do was smile. I carefully picked him up and carried him downstairs with his teddy bear, set him on the couch and started to make breakfast.

As I was setting breakfast on the table I saw Meredith jump up on the couch and snuggle up next to Owen. I love perfect moments like these. I took a picture and put it on Instagram. Two best friends cuddled on the couch. Within minutes I got thousands of likes. Typical. I put my phone down and called Kayla to breakfast. I heard her come running down the stairs. "Kayla, please don't hurt yourself."

"I won't Mommy I'm super careful," she replied with a grin.

I slid her breakfast across the table to her. "Eat up, we have got an exciting day planned. A breakfast for champions." Waffles were't really the healthiest breakfast, but I knew she loved them. I brought Owen over to the table and cut his food up.

After a messy breakfast involving spilled syrup and juice I set out the kids' clothes and helped them get ready.

"Kaykay I know your excited to be going to the mall, but you need to stay by me and Owen, understand?"


"This is really important. There will be people with cameras yelling things at us and you just ignore them ok."

"Mommy why do they follow us? It's scary."

"To be quite honest, I don't know. Its part of my job. I'll see you downstairs when you're ready"


I expected to see Owen sitting on his floor playing with trains when I walked in; instead he was half dressed with his clothes on backwards. I started laughing so hard that Kayla came in and started laughing as well. I sent a picture to my mom. She loves seeing pictures of the kids. Owen was still standing in the middle of the room looking confused.

"Hey bud, good effort today. Tomorrow we'll try to put the clothes on facing forward." I said still grinning. I had to help him redress. For a three year old his skill set is a little behind, but I see nothing to worry about now. Potty training shall be fun.

We loaded into the Suburban and drove to the mall. I have never seen Kayla so excited before. She practically jumped out of her carseat when I parked the car.

"Let's go mommy," she yelled while tugging on my dress.

"I still have to get Owen in the stroller."

We had no trouble walking into the mall. I wore my sunglasses and straightened my hair today. Hopefully the paparazzi won't recognize me. It is Kayla's day, not mine.

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