Reviewing Formalities

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Hello! This is the formalities for when you're reviewing. They will help you with your assignment:

1. Each circle will be 10 days long, after which you will have a 4-day gap before the next assignment resume.

2. Every circle, 3 books will be assigned randomly in one group. We will make sure to not give you any more than you can read.

3. Every member will have to read 2 chapters of their groupmates. (4 chapters in total.)

4. Since our aim is to help everyone get better, try giving in-depth reviews which are actually helping, not condescending.

5. Don't be rude. Constructive criticism is appreciated of course, but keep in mind that your words hurt more than being stabbed by a pen, so be kind.

6. When pointing out errors, don't just point them out. Try and explain why it's wrong. It helps a lot more.

7. Although it's not necessary, try to make as many inline comments as you can. It's a good way to connect with the other members. You don't have to tag each inline comment with the CCBC tag. Just enjoy the book.

8. Tag your final review with #CCBC and the enforcer of the circle and make sure it is at least 5 sentences.

9. Try including the following in your final review:
• What you like.
• What they can do to make it better.
• Character and plot development.
• Or just how much you enjoy their story!

10. Once you've finished your assignment, comment DONE in the respective assignment chapter.
Example: Done Not The Sleeping Beauty, Chapter 1 and 2.

11. Incomplete assignment will receive a tangent (our brand of a strike). Remember: three tangents and we'll kick you out.

12. You will have a 4-day gap between each assignment. In this 4-day period, your enforcer will publish a Enforcer's Question (EQ). EQ will be anything/any questions regarding fiction writing. This EQ will relate to the books that you've read for your assignment. 4 members with the most in-depth answers/reviews will win the ROTC (Reviewer Of The Circle) and their book will be chosen as the BOTC (Book Of The Circle). Their assignment review will play a big part on the winning.

13. If you do not understand anything or have any queries, inline comment here. >>>

14. Last but not least, have fun, don't be an asshole with your reviews, learn a ton and keep smiling.

Happy reading!

-Concinnity Circle


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