Circle 13: 15/9-21/9

166 5 30

1. Review 1 chapter of your groupmates' books. Bare minimum: 5 sentences in each review.
2. Answer the EQ together with the review. Bare minimum: 3 sentences.
3. Inline comments are preferable.
4. Prologue is only counted as the assignment if it has more than 1000 words.
5. Comment 'Done' inline to your username with the book/chapters you've read and tag your mates. Tag it with the enforcer's name.
6. If you don't finish your assignment, you will get a strike and not be included in the next round.

Done karinberry
Individuality by MilejdyVan Chapter 1
PMAM by Anime_Kitty Chapter 1

Enforcer of the circle: karinberry

Enforcer's Question:
Pace is key. You have to consider the length of the story when it comes to pacing. From your reading, do you feel the story is moving too slow/fast? Let your group mates know about their pace.

Circle 12: 7/9-13/9

Group 1:
What We Left Behind by stxrkissed
Boneca by karinberry
The Final Era by Tumike-John

Group 2:
Araknee: The Lost Princess by ghlo_riyah
Time of Death by RVR_178
Silver Eye by Dark-Light10

Group 3:
Cromulent by neomanuisarang
Winter Siege by Akendora
Boneca by karinberry

Group 4:
Zombie Alert by StoryWritersNeverLie
CATNAP by @lureylie_new
The GUYS' Girl by katewriteslove

Group 5:
Love Me, Mars by venusexual
Tales: Moments That Defined Us by Mansonmarie178
A Fistful of Stars by tlryder

Trial assignment:

Trial member:

Trial book: Chapter 1 and 2 of Tales: Moments That Defined Us by Mansonmarie178

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