Not yet ⚠️

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                            Written by: Fallen Light

You diene my depression. You diene who I am, who I identify as. You want me to tell you things but you tell me I'm wrong when I do. You try to find me help  when it's not me who needs help it's you.  To me you are toxic. You bring poison in my throat and squeeze the air from my lungs.
I want to confide in someone. You tell me you're that person, you want to be that person but instead you stab me in the back, chop me up like wood. You trap me in a cage. I wish I can escape. You've trapped me in my mind and I can't escape.
....Not yet.... It's not time yet....
I wake up each morning, you hand me my face for the day. That fake smile. The inside of my mask is wearing away. It's old. But it's what you've taught me to wear. It's the character you've made for me. The real me is locked away in a closet, they're pounding on the door. You've only walked away to ignore it.
We want to come out. I want to come out.
I want to be free

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