Fight Back

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Written by: Alice A, Ariel C, Jay M,

Another day, instead in a new school. What a blast, got to love it when you move halfway through the year because your old house burned down and your parents are dead so now you have to live with your grandma. Sleeping in a room that used to be your moms' is kind of hard knowing she's gone and you'll never hear her soft voice as you drift off to sleep.....

"Arcelia! Breakfast"

The voice broke me from my thoughts. It was soft like my mother's but older, it was my abuela. I slid off my bed, heading to the bathroom then looking in the mirror and my cold, tired eyes, the color of the waves of the ocean and my hair with the color like the flames of that night.

I splashed water in my face and sluggishly walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the smell of bacon.

"Buenos dias mi nieta, ready for your first day at Dehear TuPakk High?" Abuela said handing me a plate of bacon and eggs with fresh tomate.

"As ready as I'll ever be Abuela. Are these tomates from the garden?" I asked

I sat at the small kitchen table. "It would be a crime if they weren't." She joked sitting next to me at the table.


"Good luck at school mi nieta! Don't forget to go straight to the guidance office and I'll pick you up after school!!" My grandmother screamed from her window as I walked up the school's steps.

As I walked through the door, I was greeted by different types of facial expressions but they all had one thing in common, their fashion sense. Every person was wearing something I would wear in a strict religious private school.

"Does anyone get tired of seeing the same outfit 20 times a day?" I asked myself before walking into the Guidance office.

The first face I was greeted by was a very passionate girl. She had bleach blonde hair with emerald green eyes, she wore a maroon and white cheerleading uniform, and a maroon scrunchy pulling some of her hair back and leaving the rest down.

"Hiya! I'm Jordan, Jordan Prise to be exact! Welcome to Dehear TuPakk High School! I'll be showing you around today along with my....friend Grey Applefield!" The blonde girl gesture to the guy who didn't look like the other guys I saw on my way up here. He had light blue hair with silver highlights in it and dark brown eyes like the hot chocolate my mother used to make every Christmas.

"Hey." He was kind of slouching and looked like he didn't care much.

"This place isn't that hard to find your way around!!" Jordan said. "Also we have a specific, dress code here and your... outfit, isn't cutting it."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I looked down at my black ripped jeans, a black band T-shirt and sneakers.

"You seem a bit, raggedy and unprofessional tomorrow I hope you dress more properly." Jordan said. I walk away not caring about her opinion. Nobody should tell me what I should or shouldn't wear! Now someone has ruined my day and I want to go home already.


I walk my way into the library during lunch because I don't feel comfortable in lunch rooms. I go into the aisle looking for romantic tragedy books. As I carry a bunch of books to look at, I bump into someone. I look up and see Grey.

"Ah! I'm sorry" I said timidly. He laughs.

"It's okay, you seem lost, need help?" Grey said. I had a strange feeling in my body, this boy is different than the other students. He's different in a good way, I would actually like to become friends with him someday.

"Hey, can I ask you something? How come everyone just follows under Jordan cold vicious hands?" I asked putting the books down on a nearby table.

"They're afraid of her. Well not her, more of her power. With her being a head cheerleader, everyone kind of looks up to her and she kind of decides if your cool or not, so follow by her rules and you're considered cool."

"That's so lame... So how come you don't cower in fear at the sight of her?"

"Because I don't care what other people think about me. I'm me and that's it."

"Then make a change. One person can go a long way."

He smiled at me "Okay Arciela, there's a assembly tomorrow morning. Why don't you make a change."


Today was the day. I may be new but I'm going to make a huge change. I got dressed with an edge type of style and got dress with my abuela.

Making my way through the school to the auditorium I got some weird looks but I was happy about it. The demon queen, Jordan made it a huge point that she wasn't happy about me not listening to her but I was on a mission, a mission for change.

I met up with Grey and we went up the back center of the stands just so when we are talking people can see us.

The assembly started, Dehear TuPakk's principle was standing in the front and started talking. Informing about new events and stuff no one really paid attention to.

Near the end Grey and I stood up and we got everyone's' attention.

"Listen everyone! Why are we all dressed like this? Why are we in a society that cares about who's perfect or not? Why can't we express ourselves and be creative and have a freedom of speech. I refuse to know I am part of a society where we are forced upon rules on how to dress, how to act, how to look. I am a human, I have bones, lungs, a spirit, a life and definitely a voice which I will use to show, you matter. Your choices matter and what you wear matters. It makes you, you. Don't be someone else's visions. Be yourself because everyone else is taken."


word count: 988

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