StarLord Pt2

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The thought always haunted me. The story I had only grown up to know. Was that my story or was my mind making it up to fill the gap of what once was? I knew I wasn't human but could my home be a planet that no longer existed. A planet no one on here gave a second glance at the name?
I stare outside the window of my earth home. A home I had grown to call my home. I lost my real parents, my real sister, my real home. What would my life had been if we stayed? What war broke out that I was kicked off my planet. Protected from that life. Removed from my parents.
"Why don't you take your sister to the park instead of staring out that dusty old window all day" My adoptive mother said stripping my away from my thoughts.
The woman who found infant me at her door step. The woman who took me in and raised as her own. The woman I had grown to know as nobody other then my mother.
"She's having the thoughts again Mommy" A little voice said. The voice I knew only belonged the one little girl.
"Thought or no thoughts she won't be staying in here all day. Now off you go"
I nod and follow my adoptive sister to the door. She was only 8 but her imagination was larger than any Galaxy. The only person who knows .
"Maybe you can find your sister soon." She said breaking me out of thought.
"Hopefully Piper." I sigh, "But right now my home is with you guys."
We had arrive at the park and I let Pepper go play with her friend while I sit on a bench. Children playing. Almost all of them knew who their real families wear. Living in the same place they were born into.
A Blue bird with a white strip on it head landed on the bench next to me.
"Honestly Sparrow. You're young go make friends. Get a boyfriend do something!" said the small bird.
"Don't you have children to take care of Peridot? Plus making friends is hard." I said
"How come?" It replied
"Hm...I don't know maybe because i can talk to animals and my best friends a bird."
"Plus Peridot, I don't have time. Beside school and taking care of Piper, who else is going to save everyone from Fallen Star? She hasn't been spotted in two weeks and I'm afraid for what's she planning ."
"Maybe Star Lord knows more than you think."
"Fallen Star" I corrected her.
"Yeah her too."
I looked to the land in front of me. People playing, my sister laughing and smiling, the place I grew up. For living here 15 years it still felt foreign. I knew it but still I didn't.

As the sun begin to set and families dispersed from the park I began to rise from my seat and stretch a bit. I little head turned towards me and ran to where I was standing.
"Have fun?" I ask grabbing the kids hand.
"Loads! I met so many new friends!" Piper was practically jumping.
I smile and we start heading to the park exit.
Before I could take two steps out of the park, the world began shake. As through two giants hands had grabbed a magic eight ball and wished for a fortune. As though by instinct I grabbed Piper and started to bolt home.
As we got inside the house My sister hid into her room and started running up the stairs. I felt a glow and the ground was grabbing at me until I was fully consumed by the earth. When the ground unravelled it revealed a light blue body suit, a crown on my head and white feathered wings opening around me. I held my hand out and growing in my fist was a staff of gold and open birds beak with fire pultruding from it. I pushed towards the window pulling myself out flying towards the sight of destruction.

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