How To Deal With A New Human

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Chapter 3 : How To Deal With A New Human

        When I woke up the next morning, I thought everything was normal. I thought it was 7:05am, and I was going to go take a shower, have a bit of breakfast, and then go to work. I didn’t realize that I didn’t have a job anymore and that I didn’t have to wake up at 7:05 in the morning anymore.

        And then I realized I had a freshly new human that was asleep in a wooden chair in my kitchen.

        As fast as possible, I scrambled off my bed, not caring that I was wearing a pair of black shorts, a tank top, and that my brown hair was flying everywhere out of a messy bun. I darted down the hallway, took a left, and peered into my kitchen. I slowly entered it and my heart dropped into my gut.

        The only human in the kitchen was me. The wooden chair had been broken; it was in several pieces on the floor. I bent down and grasped one of the legs. He had been very angry when he had woken up. I don’t even know how long ago he had woken up. My neck snapped up to the counter.

        The camera.

        I stood up and grabbed it. I can reverse the time to when he was awake. He couldn’t of gotten very far. I found the time that he woke up and played it. He started moving in his sleep for a little bit, and then his eyes shot open and he gasped. He ran a hand through his dark black hair, eyes looking wildly around.

        “The fuck…?” He muttered, standing up from the chair. As soon as he did that, he stumbled and fell to the floor. He muttered a bit more swears and finally was able to stand up after a couple of seconds. “Oh…God…” He grasped his face in his hands, taking in a deep breath.

        The chair he was sitting in took a good beating. He grabbed onto it and threw it into my fridge. It fell to the floor in pieces. Slowly, I looked up to my actual fridge. There was a small dent in it from where the chair hit it. “Note to self,” I whispered, “human still has a very large amount of strength in him.”

        He walked out of the kitchen without another glance. I’m surprised I didn’t wake up from that loud smash. I shut the camera off but kept it in my hand. A loud thwack in the living room made me jump out of my thoughts. He was still here. In this house. With me.

        “Holy shit,” I mumbled, turning the camera on. Slowly, I walked into my living room. There he was, hands bawled into fists, glaring murderously at me. I ignored his look, however. “Subject appears to be normal. Angry, but normal.”

        “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?” He roared at me. His eyes were cut into slits and I’m 86% sure he wanted to murder me at that very moment.

        “I’m Alexa Kay Hazelwood,” I told him very calmly, then turned my attention to the camera that was rolling. “Scratch what I just said. Subject is very angry.”

        His eyes went to the camera that I was holding, and then back up to me. “What the fuck did you do to me, you crazy psycho bitch?”

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