#4- Teachers

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Dear teachers,

                Must you always hand out homework after everyone is finished packing up? Like, seriously. And, (this goes out to math teachers) you give us a boring lecture about the order of operations. Then, you give us a super easy assignment with problems like this: 6+(9)/12x5+=?. Next, we have a quiz with problems like this: Darren bought 220 watermelons. He wants to know bla bla bla. Simplify this problem: 29/56+12x344. And, finally, here's the final exam: Gwen became an astronaut as a career choice. She gets to go to space. When she's finally there, she gets a glimpse of the sun. She wants to know how many sun spots are on the sun. Use the order of operations to find the mass of the sun. Then, divide the mass of the sun to the mass of one sun spot. Then, multipy the mass of one sun spot to the mass of ten sun spots. Then, subtract the mass of ten sun spots to the mass of thrity sun spots. Then, finally, add the mass of thrity sun spots to the mass of sixty-five sun spots. How is knowing how many sun spots are on the sun gonna help us in life? Just asking.



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