#5- The snobby, arrongant, pieces of shit

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Dear the "All mighty" popular girls,

                         Yeah, you may have a beautiful face, lots of friends and followers, and expensive clothes and jewelry. But, would you stop being a conceited, snobby, and arrongant piece of shit? Just because you're popular doesn't mean you can act the way that you do. And, like I said to the other kids at school (#3) apperances really don't matter. It's what's on the inside that counts. Remember that girl you called "fat"? She used to be my friend before she moved and she was really nice to me and she was funny. Remember that emo you called a "slut"? I had to do a group project in class with her and she was really sweet to me and I enjoyed working with her. Remember that boy who wore the same shirt because his family couldn't afford more shirts you called "ugly"? I said "hi" to him the other day and he was awesome. Remember that girl who you always ignored? She sees through all your bullshit. She understands that you're really nothing behind those fancy "Guess" purses, beautiful jewelry, and designer clothes. And, that girl is me.

                                                                                              Sincerely, Nyankitty13 (and others who feel this way)

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