#7- Talking to yourself

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Dear Nyankitty13 (This isn't really what I would consider a rant but I put it in here because I can),

                     It's been a long time since we talked. I have nothing to say. Other than I wish that you were more that what you have become (Lion King!!! Reference- Mufasa says this to adult Simba). I don't like seeing you lonely. If only you were coureagous enough to talk to someone. I don't think that we can handle the pain anymore. I know that you're not happy as you pretend to be. I know that you want to prove yourself to your parents that you're not missing out on teenage life. But, what's the point? You think the thoughts, you talk the talk, but you never walk the walk. If only someone understood what we're going through. It'd be so much easier and you could get the help you need. But, life never works that way. You learned that in 6th grade when you thought that people would pity you because you were the new kid and start talking to you. When is it ever going to end? *Sigh* I just wish there was a day when you didn't have to put your fake smile on, pretend to be happy and content, or hide who you are.  Oh well. I guess, I have to live with it and let God take care of it. Improvements never happan. Not even one improvement was shown from the last 3 school years that went by. Oh well. We'll meet again soon.



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