#6- Lemme take an aspirin cause I can't handle your stupidity!

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Dear selfie+hashtags people (people who are obessed with taking selfies and hashtags),

                             Okay, great. You found something in which you enjoy in life. But, constantly taking selfies before school, walking to class, in class, at lunch, and at after school is really annoying. I mean, all selfies are is pointless and stupid pictures of you and your stupid friend or whatever. What's the point? They even wrote and sang a stupid song about it! A SONG! And, about the hashtags. Who fucking cares? They're stupid symbols meant for codes and shit like that. What's so great about them? You hashtag everything. Example: "Hashtag Bored"= In class. "Hashtag Hungry"= Before lunch. "Hashtag mind blown"= Stupid conversation with friend. Would you stop already?

                                                                                      Sincerely, People who don't do social media

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