Oh my god

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Almost her due date

Nat's POV
I woke up in pain, barely slept can and half asleep. I get up and walk to Wanda's room. I see her sleeping but I go over and slap her awake.

"Goddamnit!" She said waking up.

"I need to talk to you." I said.

"About?" She said.

"Anything! Ethan is killing me! This baby has to stop kicking." I said.

"Well, it's saying 'don't slap Auntie Wanda while she sleeps'." She said.

"I couldn't go to Maria, she and Sam have a thing. You and Vision broke up. You like my husband, and my baby daddy is asleep." I said.

"Well, can't you slap him awake?" She said.

"No. Since when did you and Bucky have a thing?" I asked.

"He's just so cute, how can you not be with him and be with Steve?" She said.

"Easy, I don't have feelings for him and I never did." I said.

"Poor you." She said.

"Get up, I'm hungry now." I said.

"It's 3 fucking a.m!" Wanda said.

"Are you serious? Cmon!" I said getting her up.

"No,no,no. You little son of a bitch." She said.

"You better not be saying that to my son." I said.

"Ahah, that's funny. It's true though." Wanda said and we went to the kitchen.

We got me food or whatever but we didn't want to cook. Then we watched some tv and I got some pain again. I was walking around and Wanda was drifting off to sleep again and I let her sleep for a min or some.

"Hey." Maria said coming out in Sam's shirt.

"I'm so glad we're not room neighbors." I said.

"What are you doing here? Why is she asleep here?" Maria asked.

"I couldn't sleep with all the kicking so I got her up. You were with Sam and she's single." I said and she laughs.

"Well, I'll see you later in the morning. Have fun with your thing with Wanda." She said and leaves.

I threw a softball at her and she didn't budge until I threw a harder ball.

"Ow!" Wanda said waking up.

"Good morning, we're not done." I said.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"I want to help you be with Bucky." I said.

"Doesn't he like someone else?" She said

"Nah, I am his wife." I said.


She kept drifting off to sleep and I kept having to wake her up. The suns coming up and no one is awake yet.

"Wanda!" I said.

"It's Steve!" She said waking up.

I laugh and she laughs too.

"Bucky." I said.

"Bucky, right." She said.

We heard a lot of voices coming towards the living room where Wanda went back to sleep again.

"Good morning?" Tony said curiously.

"Morning." Sam said.

"You're cute." I said and Maria looks at me.

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