No sudden Moves

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"No sudden moves!" The policeman managed to keep his voice calm. A rookie. I stood up, hands behind my head. Aidan and Ben did the same. The policeman shoved his gun into my back nervously and I calmly walked outside of the diner, followed by Aidan, then Ben. Our cars were parked out the back, and I needed to get to them to get away.

"You're under arrest for under-age driving, reckless use of a road vehicle, and illegal use of an airplane," he gestured at Aidan.

"Mate, I'll come with you, but in really need to take a leak." Ben said, thinking fast, and holding his pants as if he had to go. The policeman softened.

"Fine, but make it quick, and I'm staying right outside, so no funny business." He marched us over to the toilet behind the diner. He walked in, and we waited outside.

"I need to go too, sir." I said.

"No. Don't try to play me for a fool." He stared away.

Suddenly, we heard a low rumble approaching. Ben. The silver eclipse roared at us and onto the street.

"Hey! You! Get back here!" The officer yelled, but it was no use. Ben raced away, in the direction of the highway.

The policeman, who I finally saw on his name tag, that his name was Jake, ran over to his cruiser and raced after Bem completely forgetting about us. "What a rookie." I tsked.

Aidan and I raced over to our cars. I stepped in my Subaru, and he in his Holden Commodore, specially designed with a lighter, carbon fibre shell, and a new engine that was surely illegal in Ohio. We raced off, after Ben.


Our three cars roared down the highway, right next to each other. A line of SUV's blocked the path ahead. I swerved at the last second, and we all dodged the SUV's. The police cars behind us didn't, and a deafening metal on metal could be heard from behind us. We high-fived through the windows, and took the turnoff, trying to find a place to hide.

"I'll hide on Lark Street," I spoke into my radio as I turned and parked my car beside a dumpster, using the shadows of the alley to keep the car hidden. I slowed my breathing, trying to keep silent.

Crickets chirped.

Cars whizzed by.

My heart pounded as a police car slowly cruised by, checking the alleys.

Suddenly Jake tapped on my door. "Open up." He grunted.

How did he even find me!? I pretended not to be inside the car.

"Open up or I'll bust the door open." He said more sternly. I rolled down the window and he stuck his head in. "Get out. You're going to have to wait a whole before you ever drive again. That is, if you ever do." He chuckled. I didn't move.

"Get out!" He hissed. "Or I'll shock you and drag you out!" His arm moved towards his taser.

"I have a deal. You race me. 1 v 1. If you win, you take my cash, all of my cars, and my license. Plus jail."

"Fine. And if you win?"

"I get your car." I said. "And your taser." I laughed, but still serious. "Meet me at the lights near Oxley Street tomorrow at six AM.

"I'll be there."

I turned around and drove off into the night, for Ben and Aidan's tracking devices on their cars.

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