Split Second

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I gripped the wheel, white knuckled, hair on end, yet calm. I floored it, and the Subaru Impreza (which was highly modified, of course) easily obeyed, roaring around a slight corner. The Eclipse in front of me started to block me, but i was too fast. Aidan, the driver of the Mitsubuishi Eclipse right beside me turned to me. I grinned though my visor on my helmet and drifted around the second last corner, passing him.

We raced up the hill, and I swerved again to block his attempt to pass me. Aidan tried to pass me again, but I skylarked across the road, cautious of the fact that too far, and I would be thrown off the edge of the cliff, or if I went the other way, I'd smash into the cliff face beside me. I looked back, but the lack of concentration was all he needed to pass me, sticking the finger as I passed him. I laughed and focussed again.

"One kilometre to go," said my assistant in a robotic voice.

"Ben, I know it's you." I rolled my eyes. "But thanks for the heads up." I briefly saw him flying above us in a white and grew airplane. His parents surely wouldn't be to happy about him stealing that.

We approached the final turn, a 360 degree turn back towards the finish line. I floored it again, and then just as the turn approachd, ripped the handbrake down, sending the Impreza into a drift. The Subaru, faithfully specialising in handling, spun fully on the inside, and I managed to just pass Aidan and pass the finish line just in time. We both skidded to a stop. I'd won by a split second.

"Nice job." i grinned at Aidan.

He punched me in the arm, and I saw Ben jogging towards us, plane parked behind the cliff.

"So," I began. "Shall we go grab some grub?"

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