Accidents happen

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"Thought you'd never show up." Jack grunted as I drove up next to him.

"Nice car." I laughed at his cruiser, beaten up from yesterday's pursuit.

I heard a faint rumble that proceeded to get louder.

My eyes flickered to see a Chevrolet Corvette rumble down the street, stopping beside my Impreza. Jack opened the door and got in. My jaw dropped. "What!?" Aidan said from behind me.

Jack just smirked and revved his massive engine, almost deafening me. "Where's the finish?" He asked.

"Oakley Street." I said. He had a massive advantage, but I knew that his Corvette wasn't going to corner as well as my Impreza, and the route I had chosen was very windy. I could still win.

Aidan came to the starting line, and we revved our engines. I slid my hands over the wheel, and waited. Aidan pulled up the flag, and then...


I slammed my foot on the gas, surging forward. Jake did too. I swerved left and down the alleyway, smashing over numerous rubbish bins in the way. The Corvette was stuck behind me, at least for now. We shot out of the alley, and he took the corner more tightly than I did, passing me. I let out a growl. So did the car. I slammed the pedal down again, sending the tires around the bend to the outskirts of town. The Corvette turned the other way, taking the straight route, but it took more time.


My tires were almost constantly locked up, drifting around corner to corner. I mentally held the map of this

part of town in my mind. The Chevrolet sped out right in front of me, and I slammed my brakes, throwing the wheel to the left.

The car spun out.

I wrestled the wheel back to at least get back on the road, but there was a ramp in the way. The car was thrown off the road, and into midair, spinning wildly. The ground was rapidly approaching. My mind screamed as I prepared the wheel and held my foot on the accelerator.

With a bone crunching slam, the wheels hit the bitumen, and spun to a stop. I sighed.

And then I was off again, crunching the gas, eyes on the Corvette. We both swerved to the final straight.

The lights flickered past. The smoke of the corvette swirled in front of me.

And then I broke through, passing Jake. I pressed forward towards Oakley Street. Two more intersections to go. One more. I came past the final one, and my heart flipped.

And then I as swirling, wheels off the road, slammed into oblivion. The world spun in all directions, pulling me into it all.

And then I was out.

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