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Growing up T.K's mother used to sing him a song during a bad storm,and he couldn't quite remember the words from when he was young.But now during this storm he was trying his hardest to remember them.All the Digidestined had decided to have a sleep over at Matt's place.They had not accounted for the huge lightning storm rolling in that night.Now T.K was laying in a pile of blankets and pillows on the couch,huddled up next to Davis,which he wasn't the most comfortable with.(No,their not dating yet but T.K likes Davis)He couldn't deny that he had began to develop a crush on the burgundy haired  boy the first time they met in the library at school about 1 year ago.But Davis had the most obvious,massive crush on his best friend Kari.He also knew that Davis wasn't to happy when he had been paired with him instead of Kari.Which stung a lot for him,he only wished that Davis felt the same.Lightning crashed and thunder boomed loudly outside,causing him to flinch up next to Davis.He felt Davis shift beside him,"What wrong"?He whispered to T.K.He hadn't meant to wake Davis up but now he had,"Just the storm".He replied,still shaking a little.At that moment something happened he thought never would've happened.Davis tucked his arm around T.K's torso and pulled him closer,he was pulled over on his other side so he was facing Davis.Ocean blue met chocolate brown eyes and every thing stopped,next thing he knew he was pulled against Davis's chest and tucked under his chin.Then he heard it,the song his mother had sang to him when he was little

         You are my sunshine,my only sunshine,you make me happy when sky's are gray,

You'll never know dear how much I love you,please don't take my sunshine away.The other night dear,when I lay sleeping,I dreamt I held you in my arms.

When I awoke dear I was mistaken,so I hung my head and cried,you are my sunshine,my only sunshine.

You make me happy when sky's are gray,you'll never know how much I love you,please don't take my sunshine away.

  You are my sunshine my only sunshine,you make me happy when sky's are gray,you'll never know how much I love you,please don't take my sunshine away.

Please don't sunshine away.

T.K. breathed against Davis's chest,as his eyes fluttered closed and he cuddled farther into Davis's body.But before he fell fully asleep he heard Davis whisper,"Goodnight my sunshine",T.K smiled as much as he could before finally falling asleep.


           T.K awoke sleepily to the sound of voices around him,"I knew it",one voice said.Then another chimed in one he recognized as Matt,"At least I know  we have the same type",he said looking to Tai,who in turn wrapped his arms around Matt and kissed his cheek.He tried to sit up but realized he couldn't,his arms were wrapped around something,or someone.While two arms were entangled around him.He had now fully opened his eyes only to be met with a blue t-shirt,he unwound his arms pressing his hands ever so lightly on the body in front of him.Looking up he was pleasantly surprised to see the sleeping face of Davis.He heard chuckling behind him,then he heard Tai's voice,"Davis~ Wake up you're boyfriends looking at you",T.K blushed as he felt Davis's body turn and shift around him,he was waking up."What the heck are you guys all going on about"?Davis questioned still yet to notice the smaller boy he had encased in his arms.Then Davis looked down at the boy beside him before grinning and moving so his hands were on T.K's face."Morning Teeks,hope you slept okay with that storm outside",T.K sat up along with Davis who now had his arms encircled around his legs as he turned and leaned against the back of the couch.He smirked at T.K,"Yes Davis,I slept fine",he said back not able to make eye contact with Davis.What was he doing?His crush was right there,smirking at him for heavens sake."Just confess already i'm sick of Davis coming to me all the time about his love crisis with you",he glanced at Davis who was smiling,"Davis"?He asked and sure as that Davis answered,"Yes?Sunshine",needless to say that was the beginning for T.K and Davis.

Hoped you enjoyed reading I know it was a bit short.And I also know there's not a lot of people who's ship this but I hope you enjoyed if you don't and read it anyway!

T.K:You need to stop being so formal when you write.

Davis and Yolei:Ya!We know you're insane so why don't you show it.

Me:What! I'm not insane...I'm simply not normal in my mind.You can prove nothing!(runs away screaming)

*sorry* had to add that.

Forever and always Davis Motomiya x T.K. TakaishiWhere stories live. Discover now