If looks could kill

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(Hey!Most of this is about how Davis sees TK,p.s he's the mother fudgin Digimon Emperor)

Davis stared at the screens in front of him as he leaned back in his chair.A group of figures danced across all of the monitors.His plan had worked perfectly,now all of the Digidestined had been split up.He looked up at the top corner of the screen.It showed a cave and four people sitting inside.As the camera zoomed in he saw two of his least favorite Digidestined.TK Takashi and Matt Ishida,he kept the camera focused on TK for a while.The fire that sat between the two boys,perfectly illuminated his face and all of the features that Davis,would never admit ,but he admired.TK was sitting back against the cave wall and his brother was on the opposite side standing up.They had landed in the snowy part of the Digital world when a group of evil Digimon had attacked.Gabumon leaned against TK to keep him warm like Matt had instructed and Patamon sat in his lap.If Davis's plan was going to be completed he would have to get TK away from the other 3.He glared at Matt through the monitor.If looks could kill Matt would have been dead a long time ago,a year ago to be precise.The day he had met the Digidestined,the day he began to have a crush on TK Takashi.Now he was ready to put his plan,that he had thought out for the past two months,into motion.Davis knew he was much more intelligent than TK's arrogant brother.Davis pressed a button on the console in front of him and a door open in front of the cave on the screen.Tons of evil Gotsumon rushed out and towards the two boys and their partner Digimon.Immediately Gabumon and Patamon stood in front of their Digidestined partners, but as Davis had suspected they were no match for his Gotsumon army.The Digimon and Matt were pushed against the cave wall as T.K was pulled away.Soon T. K would be his, without anyone or anything to stand in his way.

Forever and always Davis Motomiya x T.K. Takaishiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن