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TK sat in his bay window in his room,his green wireless headphones blared Panic at the Disco.The music was so loud that he didn't hear the many knocks on his door before the person on the other side got impatient and opened it anyway.TK continued to read his book,unbeknownst to the person making their way across his room.He had just reached the end of the chapter when he felt arms encircle his waist and slide the book from his fingers.TK was afraid at first,he didn't know who this person was,but when he turned around only to be met with the relaxed face of Davis and his chocolate brown eyes looking up at him everything else melted away."What are you doing",TK asked as he watched Davis quietly close his book,arms still held around his waist.Davis placed the book on the farthest side of the bay window away from them and returned his attention to TK."Can't I come over and show affection to my boyfriend",Davis answered nuzzling into the crook of TK's neck.TK smiled as he turned around to face Davis,"I'm not against it",he said wrapping his arms around Davis's neck and pressing their foreheads together.They sat there for a moment,in sweet silence.TK laid his head on Davis's shoulder and closed his eyes,he listened to his heart beat,their breathing synchronized."Davis",TK whispered,looking up at him.Davis hummed in response."How the crap did you get in my house",he felt Davis stiffen.TK sat up looking at Davis,"Fudge",he said looking at the door.They both jumped when something or someone began to bang on TK's door."DAVIS,GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BROTHERS ROOM"!Matt screamed continuing to bang on the door.Before TK knew it Davis had raised the window and was climbing out,he began to laugh as Davis struggled to fit both legs out at the same time before he was killed by Matt.Before he rushed down the fire escape steps he turned around and stuck his head through the window."Love you,see you tomorrow",he said,lifting TK's face and kissing him.TK hummed in response and kisses back.They suddenly heard the door slam open,"GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER",Matt yelled rushing towards Davis.He yelped,letting go of TK's waist and burst out of the window.TK began to laugh as he watched Davis trip and slide down the fire escape.He loved his boyfriend but sometimes he couldn't help but make a fool of him.He looked at his brother leaning against the wall smiling,"Maaaaatttttttt,I told you to wait till after we finished making out"TK whined to his older brother.Matt shook his head,"Not gonna happen little brother",TK huffed."That's not fair,do you know how many times I walked in on you and Tai"?Matt froze then relaxed,"Fine,next time I'll let you get into each other's pants",he winked before walking out.TK sighed and grabbed his book,this wouldn't be the last time him and Davis cuddled but Davis was definitely more stealthy when sneaking into his room.

Forever and always Davis Motomiya x T.K. TakaishiWhere stories live. Discover now