Pool Troubles

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It was finally summer and a hot one at that. The extreme heat wave had been thrown into the start of the Digi Destined's summer vacation without warning. Thus giving the older kids the idea to have a pool party, after pitching this idea to the others, they all had settled that tomorrow they would have a pool party at Mimi's house.
So as the day finally rolled around, the Digi Destined went on their way to Mimi's. The day went on as planned, Mimi's parents were out of town and had left her couple weeks allowance to do whatever she pleased. Which as you can guess was spent on snacks for everyone. TK didn't much care for swimming though, it wasn't because he didn't know how, but he just felt so exposed in the pool. So instead he sat on the edge, his feet dangling off into the cool waters below. Davis swam over and began talking to TK. Davis has never seen his boyfriend so distant from everyone else, since they were all swimming and laughing in the pool except for TK. " TK why won't you get in the pool?" Davis asked tilting his head to the side. " I just don't what to swim Davis," but Davis could tell, that wasn't just the reason behind his boyfriends absence in the pool. " We both know that's not the only reason Teeks, just tell me what's going on," for a moment it looked like TK was going to run away, but quietly he answered, " I just feel so exposed in the pool with everyone, the only person who's ever seen me shirtless is Matt and I'm just a little hesitant." Davis understood how TK felt, at one point in his life he had been the same way, but when Davis met TK he felt like he didn't have to hide himself. Gently Davis grabbed TK's hand, " I know how you feel, I used to be the same way, but then something happened to change it..." TK looked up questioningly, " What happened?" Davis smiled, " I met the most wonderful boy in the world, and he taught me how to love myself ." He could see that TK was blushing and suddenly got an idea. " Hey TK, you're uh looking a bit hot there, maybe you need to cool off a bit," before TK could register the words Davis had grabbed the hem of TK's shirt and yanked it upwards. TK began to squirm again his boyfriends grasp and started to laugh. " Davis stop, Davis no...ah!" With that TK was yanked into the pool and into Davis's hold. Still resisting, TK  moved back and forth in the water, trying to get Davis to release him. " Davis!" Finally he let go and TK lunged forward before turning back to a red faced Davis. " You're beautiful," Davis whispered, so that only TK could hear. " What?" This time Davis moved towards TK and wrapped his arms around his waist, " You're so beautiful," he said again. TK went red before he began to laugh, " You're beautiful too," he whispered back. They both were thrown into a simultaneous laughter. Then stopped to look at each other again. It was true, in Davis's mind, TK was the most gorgeous person he'd ever seen and he wanted to make sure TK knew it. From then on TK enjoyed the pool parties that went on, because he knew that he would be reassured every minute by Davis that he was indeed beautiful. Because of Davis, TK's pool troubles were a thing of the past.

Forever and always Davis Motomiya x T.K. TakaishiWhere stories live. Discover now