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     "Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you're gonna get"-Forest Gump
TK loved the Forest Gump movie when he was younger,and he always remembered the quote about life being a box of chocolates.When he had started dating Davis he learned it was the same thing,meaning that one day he could be one way and the next day he could be completely different.Today he was in a mood that TK didn't want to deal with.Currently they were at lunch and Davis had sat down next to him with a sour look on his face."What's wrong Dai",TK asked not looking up from his lunch.He felt Davis grab his hand as he was suddenly yanked from his seat and rushed out of the cafeteria.He was shoved into the bathroom and pushed onto a stall as he fell against the wall.He got up and looked at Davis who stood against the stall door,his head in his hands."What the heck Davis,what happened",he stood there for a moment without an answer from Davis.He tried to move him out of the way so he could leave,but was pushed back as Davis wrapped his arms around his waist.David buried his head in TK's jacket.Tk felt his shoulder become damp as he slowly wrapped his arms around Davis.Was he crying?Tk had never seen Davis cry before so this surprised him.He placed his hands on Davis' face and lifted it of his shoulder and he studied the tear stained face of the boy in front of him."Davis,what's wrong,talk to me",Davis finally made eye contact with him,but when he did more tears ran down his face as he closed his eyes.He mumbled something that TK could barely hear,but it sounded like Davis had said,"I'm sorry".TK moved his hand to the back of Davis' neck as he moved his fingers through the boys burgundy hair.He felt Davis pull him closer as he spoke,"TK,do you think I would ever hurt you"?TK was shocked,what was Davis talking about,he knew that his boyfriend would never hurt him.Sure he could be a bit uncontrollably angry sometimes but he knew that Davis would never hurt him.Not physically anyway."Of course Dai,why would you think that I thought that",Davis looked up at him and placed a hand on TK's face."There was a boy,and the soccer team,a-and I just watched I couldn't TK I-",he closed his eyes again as more tears fell.TK looked at his boyfriend and smiled to himself."Davis,whatever happened to that guy,it's not gonna happen to me and I know I won't be hurt by you",he lifted Davis's face to meet his own and pressed his lips to Davis' forehead.Davis smiled a little and he lifted his hands to press TK's hands to his face."I love you TK",Davis said kissing TK softly.TK smiled into the kiss and unlocked the bathroom stall behind Davis's back."And I love you Davis",TK responded pushing Davis backwards out the stall door,he laughed as Davis fell against the wall in surprise."Now let's go get some lunch,I brought chocolate",he said,leaving the bathroom.Davis was his box of chocolates.

Forever and always Davis Motomiya x T.K. TakaishiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora