Blue Roses

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It was the Valentines Day party tomorrow at Davis's school. He racked his brain on what to do, most people brought in valentines for the entire class and something special for their crush. It wasn't that Davis didn't care for his class but he really wanted to do something special for his special someone. That person everyone assumed was Kari, but Davis had gotten over her years ago. So, as he angrily walked down the street towards his apartment building he heard a voice call out behind him. "Hey!Davis!" He turned to be met with the smiling face of TK making his way up the street, waving to him. "Hey TI", Davis answered waving back. TK rolled his eyes as he continued forward towards Davis.  " What do ya plan on doing for Valentine's Day? And by that I mean what elaborate scheme are you gonna pull for Kari?" The blonde still had no clue that Davis was completely over his brunette friend and had moved his thoughts to someone else. Davis racked his brain on telling TK about his new crush, as he did this he drowned out the noise of TK speaking and began to focus more on the sidewalk in front of him.
' Should I tell him?'  ' Will he judge me?'   ' What will he think?' These questions raced through his mind until he was pulled back into reality when he collided with something in front of him. Davis stopped and realized that TK had grown tired of his daydreaming and stepped in front of the boy to get his attention. Now Davis starred directly into TK's bright blue eyes. They were full of annoyance and curiosity towards the burgundy haired boy, but Davis didn't care for that as he continued to inspect the blueberry colored orbs. Davis always thought TK had the brightest blue eyes he'd ever seen, only identical to his older brothers. Then Davis got an idea a brilliant, brilliant idea. Without a word he pushed past TK and sprinted off towards his apartment, leaving a surprised TK behind.
The next morning everyone filed in for class, some carrying bags of Valentine's while others held chocolate heart boxes, ready to be passed of to their Valentine. The bell rang and everyone took their seats, TK sat turned around at his seat talking ito Kari. Everyone sat patiently waiting for their festivities to begin and Valentine's to be handed out. It was a tradition for the school to give a rose to every female student, so as the teacher filed in with her hands filled with ruby red roses everyone turned to face the front of the class. Kari looked around for a moment before leaning forward on to her desk, " Hey TK, have you seen Davis?" TK looked over his shoulder at the girl before scanning the class and finally shaking his head, " Nope, I walked with him after school yesterday but then he ran off." Suddenly Davis came bounding through the door, swinging around tables and sliding into his seat next to Kari. " Mr.Motomiya you are very tardy to class, any explanation?" Davis looked nervous but then looked up to meet the teachers eyes. " I accidentally slept in, sorry ma'am," the teacher sighed and turned to look at the rest of the class. " Well then, let's continue our celebration, girls I will call your name and you will come up and receive your rose, then we can move on to other exchanges." The teacher because to call out names, listing off female classmates one by one. There was a knock at the classroom door and the principal stepped inside, in his arms he held a dozen blue roses. He looked around at the class before handing them over to the teacher, the flowers were neatly tied together in a golden ribbon. The teacher had now finished giving the girls the roses and had now turned her attention to the bright blue bouquet in her hands. " These were given to the front office this morning, I am told to give this directly to..." she eyed through the flowers for a moment and pulled out a small yellow card. " Takeru Takashi," TK looked surprised for a minute and finally stood, walking to the front the teacher gingerly placed the flowers in TK's arms and he returned to his seat. " Who are they from?" Kari asked curiously, her and Davis watched as TK looked closer at the card, " Doesn't say, but there is a small note it says
Meet me behind the bleachers after school today sincerely your secret admirer."  Kari laughed before shaking her head, " Whoever this is must really like ya TK." TK smiled at the flowers, " Ya, wonder who it could be."
Just as the note had instructed, after school TK parted ways with his friends and headed towards the bleachers beside the soccer field. Once there he looked around, but could find no one at the scene. He sighed before shaking his head, " It was probably some stupid joke by some girl and her friends."
" Not quite." He heard a voice call out from behind him. Whipping around TK was met with a red faced Davis starring back at him, " D-Davis? Did you pull this prank?" TK had to admit he was a bit hurt that his friend would mess with him like this. Davis looked panicked for a moment then his face changed to calm as he walked forward, " No  TK it wasn't a prank... I like you, and I just didn't know how to tell you." It all made sense to TK now, Davis's daydreaming and then running off, him being late to class, the anonymous not in the roses, it was all Davis trying to do this for TK. " Davis..." he began, " Wait... before you say anything, I know you don't like me like that and that you're probably head over heels for Kari, but I just had to tell you." Davis's eyes were squeezed shut and his face was turned away from TK. Suddenly Davis felt a hand on his face, it traced his jawline and turned his face forward, " Davis open your eyes." Complying, Davis opened his eyes and starred directly into the blue sea that were TK's eyes, the ones framed by golden locks of golden blond hair, the things that had given Davis the idea for the roses and the ribbon. " I do like you Davis, and when I saw you here, I really didn't think it was all a prank, but hearing you tell me that you like me, well that just makes it so much better." TK smile before leaning forward and wrapping his arms around Davis, " I love you Daisuke Motomiya," Davis heard this and began to cry, for so long he had been in love with this boy and he finally had him here. " I love you to Takeru Takashi." With that, the boys sat in silence for a while enjoying the others company before eventually walking home hand in hand. It was officially the best Valentine's Day either one of the boys had ever had and it was only the start for many more to come.

Forever and always Davis Motomiya x T.K. TakaishiWhere stories live. Discover now