chapter 17: hero names!

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Goku and izuku were running off to school.

Izuku: thanks for teaching me by the way!

Goku: meh it was no big deal.

???: what are you two doing?! We're gonna be late if you don't hurry!

???: what are you two doing?! We're gonna be late if you don't hurry!

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Izuku: huh? But class doesn't start in at least five minutes!

Ida: students should at least be ten minutes early!

Soon Goku and his friends arrived at the school and were putting their things in their lockers.

Izuku: oh hey Ida about-

Ida: don't worry my brother is healing up! Sorry if we caused you any worry.

Goku: his brother got injured?

Izuku: oh yeah I didn't tell you about it did I?

Goku: oh right by that stain guy....

Even though Ida said everything was fine Goku couldn't help but feel a dark aura surrounding him...

Goku:"he's a good actor but...I ain't fooled."

-timeskip brought to you by chibi Goku and izuku doing a kamehameha-

Aizawa: we're making hero names today.

Everyone in class A expect Goku: FINALLY! SOMETHING NORMAL!!

Aizawa: shut up.

The class goes silent.

Aizawa: now I won't be teaching this class since I don't have much experience but I do know that your hero names should reflect on your quirks and personalities....


Suddenly midnight stepped into the room.

Midnight: if you wanna be successful then you must have a good hero name!

And with that everyone got to work. Aoyama was the first to present his name.

Aoyama: I am...the shining hero: I CANNOT STOP TWINKLING!


Midnight: how about removing the "I" and replacing the cannot with can't?

Aoyama: it sounds magnificent!

Everyone: WAIT, SHE'S OK WITH IT?!

Midnight: who's next?!

Mina: I am!

Mina steps to the front of the class.

Mina: I am the Ridley hero: ALIEN QUEEN!!


Mina: aww man...

Everyone:" we gotta make a good name..."

Soon asui stepped up.

Asui: I've thought of this one since elementary school. I'm the rainy season hero: FROPPY.

This was a nice and good name so of course everyone chanted it.

Midnight: everyone take note! This is a nice and adorable name!

Goku:"what should I write...."

Soon more people put up their names and before Goku went Izuku.

Everyone was surprised by what Izuku chose.

Ojiro: are you sure? it's what everyone will call you.

Izuku: I know...I used to hate it but...someone taught me that it can mean a lot more so that's why I chose it!

The whiteboard read: DEKU.

Goku:"nice Izuku...or should I say deku?"

Midnight: Goku! Your turn!

Goku got up and showed his name.

Goku: I put some thought into this but I think this will do...I'm the golden hero: SUPER SAIYAN!

Kirishima: wow. Sounds pretty hype!

Sero: ya it's pretty cool!

Soon everyone decided on their names.

-timeskip brought to you by bakugo and vegeta doing final flash-

Goku:"geez I got a lot of offers! Who should I go for...hmm what this?"

One of the offers was from the number 6 hero.

Goku:"oh! This seems promising. Muriko? Never heard of her but she must be a big deal..."

Izuku: hey it's time to go Goku!

Goku: oh! Right!


All might*on the phone*: yeah he's strong all right...

???: think you made a mistake giving one for all to Izuku instead of Goku?

All might: no Goku already has the strength to be a hero...Izuku didn't but now he has a chance...heck he might even surpass Goku!

(And with that I end the long awaited chapter 17! I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry for the wait! Any how it's time for sleep so goodnight!)

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