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When you're writing a gay erotic story you must have a title but not just the usual titles you have seen over and over and over again because that's very cliche and I know that most of you always do that, so I won't judge you for that.

But if you want a title that doesn't or does involve BDSM scenes please do not, I repeat, do not write 50 Shades of something as a title because a lot of people think stories and/or movies that involves BDSM is a lot like 50 Shades of Grey and they tend to write the same plot with different characters and that can make people lose interest in anything erotica.

I should know I have read one and it almost ruined my love for erotic stories. Especially in yaoi/gay versions anyone can lose interest in reading erotic stories.

Anyway just be creative on writing a title. Don't do the "you know what" title all right.

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