Overdoing Certain Scenes

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Here is a huge advice when you're writing a gay erotic story.

Be very careful when you're describing certain scenes especially the romantic ones. You must make so erotic that it will send chills down your spine.

For example: Viktor licked Yuuri's neck, hearing him pleading and moaning for more, feeling his body shaking from the total flame of passion and ecstasy.

Another example: Kirishima bit the back of Bakugou's neck and pushing his hips harder and harder. Feeling his lover's body tightening up to release the pent up orgasm that causing his mind to become hazing from the steamy pleasure.

Although most of you can get uncomfortable when it comes to the sex scenes. Including the BDSM ones.

Just try to make your stories more sensual, steamy, and romantic. Not dark, disturbing or cringy.

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