Chapter 4

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Markson's house


[camera show the whole of his house] *woah a big apartment with lots of awards and pictures*

(sound of the door opening)

"ya, kids' slowdown" Mark said opening the door as Bambam and youngjae ran in and took of there shoes to go play, coco ran after them, then she settled down in the little bed. Mark sighed as he watches his kids run in the house. The Im-park family came in calmly, Jinyoung helping Hee-young take of her shoes and then taking of his own. Jinyoung walked into the house helping mark put away the bags of food, they were going to make jjajangmyeon. Bambam grabbed Yugyeom hand and took him to the paly room to show him his new toys, whereas Youngjae and Hee-young started to watch TV, Jaebum turned it to Pororo the Little Penguin. It was Hee-young favourite Tv show and youngjae didn't seem to mind he just wanted to hang out with his cute dongsaeng.


(beep beep)

"*gasp* Daddy's home" Youngjae said as he jumped up to where his was sitting to greet his father, Bambam also heard as he sprinted toward the door ready to encase his father in a hug.

"Honey, Kids I'm back" A voice said coming through the door only to be meet with two small body's being thrown at him.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy uncle Jinyoung and uncle jaebum are here so is Hee-young and Yugyeom" Youngjae said hugging his father tightly. *oh! it's Jackson wang* [shows clips of his performance and him fencing]

Jackson removed his children from his embrace and walked to the living room to greet his friend and his cute nephew and his favourite niece.

"Jackson your just in time for lunch were having jjajangmyeon" Mark said waking over to his to give him a kiss, earning him an ew from his children, chuckling Jackson went over to greet his guest and hugged the all, asked them how they were. *woah Jackson is so friendly*. Eventually he hugged Yugyeom and went to hug Hee-young and they were ready to eat.


*woah so much good food*

"Let eats everyone" Mark said getting ready to start eating, everyone had there own serving hee-young had her little bowl and fork already starting to munch on the noodles and having some sauce around her mouth. *woah she eats so good* (everyone is eating so well)

"How was work Jackson." Mark asked while cleaning Bambam face.

"Good the single is almost ready JYP reviewed it and he said its good and ready to go so filming's going to start soon" Jackson replies with taking another serving of jjajangmyeon.


(everyone has finished eating) *omo Hee-young almost fallen asleep at the table I guess it's her nap time*

"Aigo it's nap time baby* Jinyoung said taking Hee-young out of the high chair and placing her on his hip

"Mark can I put her in your room?" Jinyoung spoke on a hushed to while swaying back and forth making Hee-young fall in to a deep sleep, Jaebum got up to retrieve her pacifier and her stuffed rabbit from the bag.

"sure" Mark replied leading Jinyoung to his room, he guided him to the bed letting him place her down slowly, slipping her pacifier between her lips and giving her rabbit. [shows whole room] Jinyoung leans down to cover her with the blankets and kisses her on the forehead and quietly leaves. [camera zooms in to Hee-young face] *aigo she's sleeping so peacefully*.

Living room

The boys were all in the playroom while the adults talked, with the younger boys playing with some cars and youngjae doing his homework.

"Jinyoung have you heard back from that new acting role you audition for" Mark asked curious on how his actor friend was doing.

"Ah nothing yet, anyway me and Jaebum were wondering if you can do us a favour next week, it's our anniversary as you know, and we were wondering if you can you baby sit the kids." Jinyoung asked

"Sure, come over at any time they can stay over to so you two can you know" Mark replied a smirk started to appear on his face.

"HYUNG!" The rest of the adults said while starting to laugh. *oh, my hahaha*


Markson's room

(Hee-young is still peacefully sleeping) {door opens}

"Hee-young its time to wake up" Jaebum entered the room going over to were Hee-young is, he slowly shook her in which he got a whine in response. *omo Hee-young really doesn't like to be woken up hahaha*. Jaebum carefully picked her up and walked around the room whispering sweet nothing to star waking her up, Hee-young rubbed her eye and made a small yawn before resting her head back on Jaebum' s shoulder.

"Come on baby, let's go see everyone else." He said grabbing her rabbit from the bed and walking out of the room.

Living room/kitchen

"Aw look who's awake" Jackson said seeing the father and daughter enter the room.

"Not really" jaebum chuckled shaking Hee-young a bit to make her more awake, she lifted her head from Jaebum shoulder and a sleepy smile a appeared on her face her. Jaebum kissed her forehead making her giggle.

"Appa 'ilk" Hee-young said quietly to Jaebum

"Ok baby lets have some milk" Jaebum said in a hushed voiced. Jinyoung stood up and got he bottle and went to the kitchen to make her a bottle. *wow, she's so cute when she wakes up aigo this family is so cute, ah I love this show*. Jaebum sat down on the sofa patting Hee-young head, Jinyoung came over with the bottle sitting down next to them. He too out Hee-young's pacifier and gave her the bottle to drink.


After some more talking and playing the Im-Park family decided it was time to go home.

"Ah, its time for us to home now we'll see you guys later" Jinyoung said hugging everyone. Hee-young gave everyone a hug and a small kiss. *woah she is so sweet*.


"Let's go" Jaebum said starting to drive, they didn't live too far away so it would be a short drive. The kids were at the back in their car seat Yugyeom chatting about what him and Bambam did while Hee-young quietly looked out the window.

"Oh, we are back home, come on kids lets go"

End of chapter 4


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