Chapter 7

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"Appa appaa n'ooddles pweas" Hee-young said wanting her food.

"Why do I think this for me" Jaebum said chuckling putting some noodle for hee-young in a small bowl with some of the soup

"Nooooo Hee-youngies appa is mine" Hee-young said holding her hands out toward the bowl, Jaebum chuckled placing the small bowl in front of her. Hee-young grabbed her fork and went to tuck in before Jaebum stopped her. {whines}

"It's still too hot baby you need to blow on them" He said, hee-young started to blow on her bowl and Jaebum went to eat his own. {whoosh} Hee-young couldn't wait any longer and started to eat her long-awaited noodles, jaebum was happily eating his own food occasionally giving hee-young some bites of his. Hee-young was also trying to feed her stuffed bunny instructing the bunny to open wide, jaebum laughed at her cute antics and put some more noodles in her bowl.

"oh, hey Jaebum." A mysterious voice called out *oh its Jackson* jaebum went to hug him but instead he got ignored as Jackson went straight to hee-young to cuddle his niece.

"Aigo how has my precious niece been?" Jackson said stroking hee-young face cooing over her while she was eating, Jaebum however was shocked to the fact Jackson just straight out ignored him. Hee-young was trying to feed Jackson and when Jaebum noticed he chuckled, and gently poked Jackson then whispered.

"ya hee-young wants to feed you her food, eat it before I do"

Jackson heard him and gave jaebum a smirk.

"now why would I let you waste my chance to be fed by my beautiful, cute, adorable niece." Jackson said to jaebum as Jackson leaned in forward to hee-young's fork.

"ahh" hee-young said to Jackson to open his mouth as she smiles to him. Jaebum gets jealous from hee-young giving Jackson food so he opens his mouth too.

"ahh appa is also hungry" hee-young ignored her father and continues to feed Jackson and herself. Jaebum crosses his arms and looks the other way and pouts.

"appa is sad" as he said this, he smiles in secret and Jackson quietly chuckles.

"hee-young this is very delicious! Give some more to me" Jackson said opening his mouth, hee-young picked up her fork and put some noodles on them she then directed them to Jaebum

"No m'ore for you appa's turn now" Hee-young said and jaebum smiled happily while opening his month and eating the noodles, Jackson however pouted and went to the counter to collect his own food.

"How jinyounie and Yugyeom?" Jackson asked taking a bite of his own food

"there good Jinyoung has a show today and Yugyeom couldn't stop talking about Jungkook" Jaebum said chuckling while cleaning hee-young up, he was trying to wipe he face but she just kept on wiggling around and whining the young girl looked quite tired too, *it must be he nap time*. Jackson noticing this spoke up

"are you collecting gyomie today?" Jackson asked and jaebum nodded

"How about you collect gyomie while I stay here with Hee-young" Jackson suggested

"are you sure that's ok? What about your boys?" Jaebum questioned while taking hee-young out of the chair and started to rock her.

"Yeah that's fine and marks going to collect youngjae and I was going to collect Bambam, but I did promise Namjoon that I would collect kookie for him could you collect him for me as well as Bambam? Jackson questioned with hopeful eyes.

"huh sure but you owe me" Jaebum said

"YES, I mean thanks and sure" Jackson shouted causing a sleepy to stir and a glare from jaebum who just got her to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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