Chapter 6

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*It's morning in the Im-Park house lets see what there up too*

Master Bedroom

*oh, Jinyoung is up and ready for the day* Jaebum was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready and the children were already playing until...

(crying hee-young) Yugyeom was seen running past {zoom}, Jinyoung went to her room to why his baby was crying.

"Oh, baby bunny." He scooped the frowning at the girl and bounced him on his arms. "Are you sad your brother left you?" Hee-young frowned and buried her face on her father's jumper. Yugyeom later showed himself, running to his sisters' room, a smile plastered on his face bringing her his favourite stuffed dog. Here-young squealed in delight and started to lean down towards her older brother eager to play.


(Everyone is eating.)

*Hmm! This is so good!* Jinyoung says, shoving big spoons in his mouth.

"Of course, it is. What did you expect from your handsome husband?" Jaebum smiled taking his own chopsticks.

Jinyoung sends him a little glare making him smile.

" Yah Don't overdo it." {laughs}

"Yugyeom are you ready for school today?" Jaebum said trying to change the subject, yuygeom hummed in responded and continued eating.

"Gonna see Gukkie today" Yugyeom said finishing his food.

"ah of course you are, Hee-young are you ready to spend a day with appa" Jinyoung said as he continued to eat.

"mmhh, w'nt to spe'nd time wth appa" Hee-young said. The family ate until they realised it was almost time to leave. Jinyoung ushered Yugyeom into the bathroom to brush his teeth and got himself ready for the day.


*oh, its time for Jinyoung and Yugyeom to leave* Hee-young said goodbye to her brother and her papa and Jaebum gave a kiss to both. Yugyeom was tugging on Jinyoung arm say how they were going to late and he was going to miss Gukkie, so he was steered out by his son who was tugging his arm.

"Ok Hee-young ready to spend the day with appa?" Jaebum asked picking her up, pecking her on the head and sweeping the hair out of her forehead.

"mhhh yeah appa the best" Hee-young said giving Jaebum a big kiss. He smiled and kissed her back walking to her room to get her ready for the day.

(Jaebum is changing Hee-young) He changed her into a cute hoodie with bear ears on it and some soft trousers.

"Let's go" Jaebum said holding Hee-young's hand guiding her toward the car. He was carrying a variety of bag, one was a cute cat bag which had all Hee-young things in.


(Jaebum has started to drive to work) Hee-young was in her car seat with her stuffed bunny and sucking on her pacifier. *ah Hee-youngie is so cute.*


(Jaebum and hee-young have arrived at the JYP building) both the father and daughter enter the building.

"ah hello" Jaebum said greeting the receptionist, they greeted back and even gave hee-young a sweet.

"T'ank chu" Hee-young said back to the receptionist bowing slightly.

"Appa got sweetie" Hee-young said showing the sweet to Jaebum, he smiled at her and thanked the receptionist.

4th floor

*oh hee-young seem to know her way around the place* Hee-young was comfortably walking around the hallway toward her father's office with her stuffed bunny in her arms Jaebum was not far behind her making sure she doesn't fall. However, she was walking peacefully until she bumped into someone's leg.*Oh my its JYP*

"Oh, hello hyung-nim" Jaebum said bowing to JYP, Hee-young stared at him and bowed slightly. Jinyoung bowed back to both and gave hee-young a pat on the head before leaving {sigh of relief}.


Jaebum's office

Jaebum was getting ready for the day, setting up his equipment *woah his office looks cool* and getting Hee-young's things ready on the sofa, in her little bag there was some colouring books and some toys for her to play with throughout the day.


Hee-young slid down from the sofa and went to Jaebum and tugged on his trousers.

"mph, what's wrong baby?" Jaebum asked picking her up and placing her on his lap and stroked her hair and giving her a small kiss.

"th'risty" Hee-young said, pawing at Jaebum's hoody.

"how about we go to the café and get you a hot Choco?" Jaebum asked only to be replied with hee-young nodding her head fast wanting one of her favourite drinks. Jaebum chuckled at her response.



*woah, it's the JYP café* [show the whole café, zooms in on the JJ project cakes]

"Hot Choco hot Choco hot Choco" Hee-young mumbled to herself while holding Jaebum's hand. They arrived at the till and as Jaebum was ordering Hee-young spotted something.

"Appa appa is papa a'd you" Hee-young tugged on Jaebum's arm and pointed toward the cake.

"How about we get it later when oppa comes?" Jaebum said as Hee-young hummed in response.

Jaebum get their order, he got hee-young a small hot chocolate and himself a mocha, the both sat down at a table jaebum helped Hee-young onto the chair and she immediately went to grab the drink until Jaebum stopped her.

"Appa" Hee-young said almost about to cry, Jaebum quickly went to get a paper straw and placed it in the drink after he gave it to hee-young. The father-daughter duo drank there drinks carefully before going back to Jaebum's studio.


"Baby are you hungry?" Jaebum asked hee-young, crouching down. Hee-young hummed {growl} *omo she must be quite hungry*

"Aigo, come on let's eat" Jaebum said picking hee-young and her bunny up and tacking her to the cafeteria in the JYP office.


"What do you want to eat baby?" Jaebum asked Hee-young who was admiring all the food.

"no'odles please appa" Hee-young pointed at the menu

"Hello halmeoni can we have some udon please and some Bulgogi please." Jaebum asked the elderly lady serving them.

"Aigo of course let me see the little girl" the elderly lady replied motioning jaebum to lift Hee-young up. (cute) Hee-young was now in Jaebum's arms as the lady was cooing over her making Hee-young smile.

(The food has arrived)

"Let eat Hee-youngie" Jaebum said returning to the table with all the food.

End of chapter 6


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