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Just when she'd thought it wasn't so bad, Temperance made it hel. His jaws ticked while he spoke of the bastard son of the former Divine-Queen of Crane. 

"He's ascended and already there are more regulations on the realm. This world is crumbling and the rot began with his 'highness'!" 

Irene listened halfheartedly while her Lord Father, Guild Master of Mammon bitched about the Holiness's various 'shortcomings'. However, none of those gave her an inkling of what he had in store for her. 

"That's why we must take him down." Temperance smirked. "And you'e the best candidate for it."

Her world tilted on its axis while she tried desperately to maintain nonchalance. "I'm sorry, who is assassinating the King?" Her own words seemed foreign while the Guild Master's eyes glinted with blood lust. 

"Daughter, you must understand!" The praises layering thicker on each term. "There is no one else capable than you! You're the most powerful vessel of magick we have! Just look at you!" He pointed at her skin. "Look at your skin! It practically oozes magick with that chocolate skin! Even better, you have old magus blood running though your veins..." 

Irene gritted her teeth while trying her best to smile and nod. It was just one last thing she'd have to do before she and Halona were free. No pressure. She'd just have to kill the King...

The magus were forbidden to wield magic because it'd actually cause an uprising. Worse, if anyone were to breach the High Wall...

She remembered the last ravaging disaster that had followed the High Wall's weakened barrier. Smoke...Storms...Endless cries of demonic undead...all trying to take over and consume the living flesh of Crane's citizens. 

"Just how am I supposed to infiltrate the castle?" Irene spoke in her signature mocking monotone. "Plus, would they even allow an old magus in there?"

A devilish grin sketched itself upon Temperance's countenance. Irene shivered in apprehension. He's planning something horrendous... 

"Orleans! Bring that slaver in here!" 


Like always, the world was dark. Not even the sun had strength enough to reach her inside the slaver's carrier cell. Three days had gone by. The sound of horse-shoes and the sharp odor of urine and feces ever present. 

Irene wondered once more what she'd traded for her freedom. It felt as though she'd traded her soul in exchange of everlasting servitude to the Evil High King instead. 

"Think of Halona." She whispered to herself. "Think of her life." 

Halona had a mere three months left and only for those months of suffering to end forever did Irene even consider selling her soul to evil. All of this was for that small speck of green light to never fade. All of the pain and humiliation was for her. 

Evergeen eyes... Only for the freedom of those evergreen eyes...

The horse-shoes stopped and all of a sudden light radiated into the cabinet blinding Irene's eyes. Without a word, her shackles were pulled making her fall face first onto the dirt ground. Irene choked before raising her eyes upward to meet the disturbing male gaze. 

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