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"Curse you, Divine Daughters!"

Ceres muttered under his breath while crawling through the sewer's gunk and smell of compost. It was more than enough to cause him to anger. After everything how could he not...?

Another gunk fell on top of his nose while he gently waded through. It was a disgusting but necessary situation. Until he got to the castle, he could do nothing. Not even curse and execute the Divine Daughters themselves.

Gritting his teeth Ceres waded away until he came to a passage which led to the entrance of the King's Chamber. Yes!

With a yank and a swift kick upwards, he was inside the dungeons. The darkness did nothing to faze his victory. He was safe!

At last!

Discarding his clothes and taking a swift exit through the secret corridors, Ceres arrived at the dais of Kings. The dais, lit by moon's rays shone like a thousand stars. The golden floor...the beautiful pillars covered in golden ivy...

Curse you all!

Spitting on the floor Ceres quickly crossed the doors to his chambers where several guards came up to attention.

"Get Aunt and Uncle here!"

The guards split like their pants were on fire while Ceres ground his molars. Even now he couldn't shed the habit of speaking through his mind instead of using his voice. Damn those Divine Daughters! Those cursed—

"Pet! You're back!"

Nahass out of nowhere came into the room with her flowing blue robes. She was about to hug him when he put up his hands and grumbled.

"I need a bath!"

A smirk lit up Nahass's face. Before long, they were in the bath with Nahass caressing Ceres's body in the softest of spots. Despite the enticing atmosphere, and Nahass's chest covering Ceres, he couldn't focus. His anger kept on rising with the tide of time. Nahass noticed.

"What's wrong, sweet pet?"

She covered him in lather while he clenched his jaw. If she was this potent and he still couldn't get those angry thoughts off his mind...

Nahass smirked. "Pet, you shouldn't do this to yourself you know?"

Her gentle touch took away all the grime from his face while she spoke in the seductive tone he adored. Nahass spoke of the past like it was right then and there. Ceres couldn't deny. He remembered when he had first seen her in the villager's cottage.

She was covered in sapphires and gold. Her eyes were glittering like the fresh summer skies and her beautiful dark auburn hair was arranged in the intricates of designs. Ceres sighed just as he had when he had first seen her.

"You remember, pet? Our first outing?"

Yes. Their first...outing. She had found him inside the Mill and at last with her there, his body had come fully alive. The pain, the bliss, everything made sense there. Everything.

Nahass's caresses made him feel more at ease while he calmed down to his senses being tickled by her presence. It was more and more getting to be under control. Until he remembered what

"Your mother was a good woman, lovely pet."


Mother. She was a very good person. Even though she loved to show her affection in rough and uncultured ways...she was a wonderful and caring mother. She kept him to herself so he wouldn't get taken away. She loved him so much he didn't need anything else...Not even Nahass.

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