Chapter fifteen: sorry to hear apologizing and shes back

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Cole's p.o.v

"Cole" I heard someone say shaking me I didn't move "cole" they said again I opened my eyes slowly "were all going out for breakfast are you coming?" Gabe asked looking at me "no" I said looking at the lifeless genda laying in the hospital bed "well do you want us to bring you something? Maybe you want us to stop by Starbucks and pick you up a vanilla frappachino" Jessica said trying to cheer me up "no it's ok I kind of don't need anything right now" I say "ok, umhm well be back in about 30 minutes" Will said I nodded and they left I just couldn't go anywhere.

Dana's p.o.v

I just couldn't cope with genda being here so when they were all going to get breakfast I just decided to go. Cole looked like a wreck I felt bad he had bags under his eyes his eyes were puffy to they had sadness in them I hated seeing him like this it's like the one time he came back from visiting his parents and genda wasn't there it took him weeks to recover from that he was stuck in his room for like a week and a half. We went to the cafe three blocks down from the hospital then we ran into Cassidy "hey guys I finally found you guys where's cole?" She asked looking at the five of us sitting at a booth Jessica's eyes were puffy from all the crying she did me just looking like a wreck trying to gather my feelings and thoughts will rubbing his face with both hands still trying to wake up Gabe twiddling his finger and dalton trying to get Jessica to cheer up "what's wrong with you guys, you guys look tired and depressed" she said with concern "where's genda and cole?" After she asked that Jessica started crying again "what's wrong?" She asked looking at Jessica crying in Dalton's shoulder "genda's in the hospital Cassidy and I know you don't like her so this news will probably make you happy she's in the hospital in a coma with about 25 stitches only in her head" Gabe said looking at Cassidy "OMG I'm sorry to hear that what happened to her?" She asked actually concerned which made all of us look at her with widened eyes "look you guys I know me and genda had a lot of differences and stuff but to be completely honest what genda said that day me and cole broke up was actually true he spends more time with her then with me but after thinking and even watching a lot of her videos I realized that if he was my brother I would actually do the same being that they haven't seen each other in years so yeah I went to you guys house but nobody was home I just thought you guys were sleeping I just wanted to apologize to genda for everything that happened and just start off new because now I know she's actually a really funny amazing person and she actually means well after all the times I've been rude and stuff to her she still tried to put it in the past but I just kept provoking her so she has every right to be mad at me I just want to finally put things in the past" she said we all just looked at her in silence then she added "do you mind if I go with you guys back to the hospital I just want to make things right starting with cole" she said we all looked at each other giving the 'I guess' look so Jessica looked at her a nodded.

Cassidy's p.o.v

I was watching some of genda's videos and she was actually funny and she was really talented and she does everything she can to make her fans happy and she even made me cry like tears of joy seeing a lot of her heart felt videos 'Cassidy maybe it's time to apologize she hasn't seen her brother in years and you have to come here and ruin a lot of their time together' I thought to myself then nodded and grabbed my phone it was 7:30 and I though cole would be up so I called him but no answer. I tried calling all the others but no answer so I just decided to just do everything face to face. So I got dressed really quick and went over to their place and knocked the living room light was on and so was the t.v but all the other lights were off that was weird. So after 10 minutes of nobody answering I just went to get breakfast and stuff there was a really good cafe a few blocks down so I decided to clear my head and also to grab a bite to eat I'll take the walk. I got to the cafe and saw Dana, Will, Dalton, Gabe, and Jessica sitting at a booth I didn't see Cole or Genda so I walked over they all looked so sad and sleep deprived so I said "hey guys I finally found you guys where's cole?" They all just looked depressed so I asked "what's wrong with you guys, you guys look tired and depressed" still no answer then I asked "where's genda and cole?" And with that Jessica broke down into Dalton's shoulder so I asked "what's wrong?" Then Gabe finally spoke up and said "genda's in the hospital Cassidy and I know you don't like her so this news will probably make you happy she's in the hospital in a coma with about 25 stitches only in her head" looking at the table I didn't know I actually wanted to start over I was worried and concern so I asked "OMG I'm sorry to hear that what happened to her?" Then I finally told them the truth so I said "look you guys I know me and genda had a lot of differences and stuff but to be completely honest what genda said that day me and cole broke up was actually true he spends more time with her then with me but after thinking and even watching a lot of her videos I realized that if he was my brother I would actually do the same being that they haven't seen each other in years so yeah I went to you guys house but nobody was home I just thought you guys were sleeping I just wanted to apologize to genda for everything that happened and just start off new because now I know she's actually a really funny amazing person and she actually means well after all the times I've been rude and stuff to her she still tried to put it in the past but I just kept provoking her so she has every right to be mad at me I just want to finally put things in the past" they all just stared at me with sadness and tried in their eyes then I added "do you mind if I go with you guys back to the hospital I just want to make things right starting with cole" they all looked at each other and then Jessica nodded I was even surprised I thought she would take some more time convincing taking it that I broke her nose and she had to get stitches but maybe she put that in the past.

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