Chapter twenty one: intense heat and alone time

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~next day~

Cole's p.o.v

I was awaken by my phone vibrating on the dresser. I slowly opened my eyes and answered it. It was Jill.

Phone convo

Jill: hey good morning cole if you and the guys could get ready you guys have a show in an hour

Me: uhuuuu yeah sure I'll go get them up now

Jill: oh and get the girls ready too they could come too because Bella's here and I know genda and Jessica haven't met her yet.

Me:yeah sure no prob bye Jill

End of phone convo

I hung up the phone and sat up "babe" I said shaking cass "yes honey" she said tiredly "we have a show so if you wanna come go get ready as I wake up everybody else" she nodded sat up and went to take a shower. I walked over to Gabe's room "Gabe we have a show Alex you could come so get ready now" I said as I turned on the light they nodded and they started getting ready I walked over to wills room who's room was right next to Gabe's. "Hey will I know Jackie has to leave and stuff so she has to finish packing but we have a show to go to so we have to go" I say "oh she finished packing last night but can she still go?" He asked I nodded and left they were already ready because Jackie is sort of an early bird then I went to Jess and dalton. I never wake them up gently because dalton has a lot of patience in the morning "DALTON JESS GET UP AND GET READY WE HAVE A SHOW TO DO!!!!!" I yell jumping on them "cole you always do this" Jess said playfully "yup you know it" I said "but get ready honestly we have a show" I added as they got ready too now time to wake up genda and Dana I know that if somebody wakes up genda the wrong way she will get so mad and she will be so grumpy she will not want to go anywhere or do anything so I went to go wake them up knowing that they get ready the quickest so they will be ready to go in like 25 minutes the rest of us need like 45 minutes "genda Dana we have a show so you guys need to get ready and stuff" I said shaking both of them they nodded and got ready then I went to get ready. After I was done getting ready we all took a limo to the venue and we performed. The girls were all backstage waiting for us to be done.

Magenda's p.o.v

At like 7:30 cole woke me and Dana up so we could get ready for their show. I wore a light blue crop top that said 'I woke up like this' in black lettering with some black distressed jean shorts and my powder blue 10's (Jordan's) "you look great babe" Dana said pecking me on my cheek as I was putting my hair in a high ponytail "thank you, you don't look to bad yourself mr. Vaughns" I said turning around so we were facing each other. He kissed my lips then when he pulled away he started kissing my jawline and moving down leaving sloppy wet kisses on my jawline when he kissed a sweet spot I let out a slight moan causing him to chuckle slightly into my neck he started softly sucking my sweet spot on my neck causing me to bite my lip and dig my nails slightly into the back of his neck I pulled his face back up to mine holding his cheeks together causing him to look like a fish "no more if cole sees a hickey on my neck he will murder you well continue later" I said winking at him and kissing his lips as we walked out of the bathroom he pulled me by my waist and kissed my cheek then whispered in my ear "yeah we are" I pushed him away playfully as I chuckled and kept walking downstairs nobody was downstairs yet so Dana sat down and pulled me onto his lap "I mean we can continue now" he said raising his eyebrows "if cole sees me with a hickey he's going to flip you know that maybe later on in the relationship he won't care but for right now he'll prob flip if he saw a hickey on my neck" I said he pouted so I adjusted my self so I had both legs wrapped around his body I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him he pulled me closer and kissed back hungrily I pulled away from the kiss and he pouted again then I laid my head in the crook of his neck with my face towards his neck. Then I bite his neck softly as I did that he laid his head back in pleasure and I could hear his toes slightly curly inside his shoes I pulled away and he said "tease" I giggled and kissed him again just like last time he kissed back hungrily our faces was then moving simultaneously he bite my bottom lip and pulled away slightly causing me to moan slightly as he lets go of my bottom lip chuckles and goes back to kissing me I move my legs and push him down so he was laying down and I was laying on top of him. We continue to make out like that for 10 minutes until we hear footsteps coming down the stairs I get off of him as he sits up straight and pulls me back onto his lap "your such a tease" he whispers in to my hair "yup" I said popping the 'p' "that's not fair" he says into my sweet spot my arms wrap around his neck as I try to contain myself he then licks my sweet spot I dig my nails into the side of his neck and bite my lip "Dana" I said causing him to look up from my neck "yes?" He says with a smirk "and I'm the tease" I said back "what's up people?" Dalton said sitting on the recliner "nothing much" Dana said adjusting me so I was in between his legs "where's Jess?" I asked as Dana buried his face into my shoulder "she's coming down now she just wanted to do some last adjustments so what were you guys talking about?" He asked raising one eyebrow "he wanted some of my candy I had yesterday and I had a piece left and I acted like I was gonna feed it to him but then I ate it so he called me a tease" I lied "oh" he said realizing that he was wrong Dana laughed into my neck so I picked his head up "you are a tease" he said trying to bite my cheek but I moved "shut up" I said. We talked for ten minutes then Jess came down then the others came down after then after everybody was downstairs we all got into a limo and was drove to the venue. After we got to the venue me Cassidy Jessica Jackie and Alex all went backstage to watch the guys "ughhhh if I knew Bella was going to be here I would have stayed back at the house" Alex sighed "I would have too" Cassidy and Jackie agreed "why don't you guys like her?" I asked confused "you'll figure out why we don't like her when they get off stage" Cassidy said. The boys came off stage and we were about to leave when "Gabe Cole Dana Will " Bella yelled as she ran up to the guys and jumped on them kissing them all on the cheeks. Alex Cassidy and Jackie rolled their eyes Bella looked at the girls and smirked evilly and said "girls" "I'll k-" Alex said cutting herself off when Gabe looked at her "I'll kindly give you a hug haven't seen you in a while Bella I thought you died" Alex said with a angry smile across her face but when Gabe walked over and kissed her she was happy again "hey babe" cole said as he kissed Cassidy "well Dana looks like you can stay hugging me" she said and hugged Dana 'ughhhhhhhh now I'm starting to hate her like bitch how do you not know were dating its literally everywhere' "I know right" Cassidy said into my ear as if she was reading my mind "actually my princess is right there what no love for your prince?" He said pointing at me and opening his arms I ran over to him he picked me up and spin me then lowered me then kissed me "who she?" She asked seeming mad "oh Bella that is Jessica Dalton's girlfriend and my somewhat sister and that is genda my actual sister and Dana's girlfriend" cole said pointing to Jess then to me "why haven't I heard of you genda?" She asked confused "do you have a Victoria secrets catalog?" Alex asked annoyed "yeah I actually have one right here the newest one I love these catalogs" she said taking a catalog out of her purse with a big picture of me on the cover "yeah well take a closer look at who's on the cover" Cassidy said with a 'no duh' tone in her voice "it's a pretty girl named Maggie" she said admiring the picture of me "it's genda Bella" cole said finally breaking the little hints that everybody but me were giving "no it's not" she said looking at me. Alex walked over and took the catalog out her hand and adjust me so I was facing Bella and she moved her hand from under my chin to on the catalog "yeah no I don't see it the girl on the cover is prettier Dana should be dating her or........ Maybe even ME" she said me Alex and Cassidy rolled our eyes "well I am dating her so I already won" Dana said pulling me into his side "OMG Bella are you subscribed to a girl named creatively amazing china on YouTube?" Cassidy asked getting annoyed as well "yeah so what?" She said "umhmmmm that's me" I said "ughhhhh yeah right you wish you were her" she said as she rolled her eyes at me "OMG Bella your so slow were leaving goodbye" Alex said as she pushed Dana Gabe and Cole away me and Cassidy were just walking away "bye Dana call me" she screamed "not gonna happen chica" I yelled back "and why not?" She yelled back "because I'm taken by a lovely beautiful amazing talented girl" he yelled back "yeah so stop trying chick" Alex and Cassidy said Bella rolled her eyes and walked away. We got into the limo "I never liked her so if she would have done that with dalton I would have attacked her" Jessica said "because she doesn't like us and she knows were dating cole and Gabe so she flirts with them to get us mad and we don't say anything because the guys think were crazy" Alex argued the guys were in the front of the limo. The limo had two parts and it had a little window divider thing that divided the two parts "yeah and she just flirts with Dana because she just wants him I guess even though he's made it obvious he doesn't like her" Cassidy added then the divider thing started to roll down. You couldn't really hear through the divider thing "so what is you guys talking about?" Cole said "nothing" all the girls said as we arrived at the house. We walked in and Dana grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs "were going upstairs don't bother us please" he said as he ran was going up the stairs "ok well be down here when you guys come back down" Cole yelled as Dana pulled me up to my room. He closed the door and then turned around looked at me and said "we were doing something before we were rudely interrupted" he said putting his hands on my hips and pulling me in for a kiss before I could say anything I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started to walk to the bed not breaking the kiss I was walking backwards until I felt the edge of the bed on the back of my knees so I turned around still not breaking the kiss and he fell on the bed I pulled away from the kiss "I believe we were" I said teasing him again. I sat on his stomach as he pulled my face back to kissing him he started to move down my jawline again until he reached my sweet spot again I bite my lip trying to stop myself from letting out a slight moan buried my face into his neck and then gently bit his neck again he brought both his hands to the curve of my body and then onto my back. He laid me on the bed so we were facing each other then pulled me closer to him. He began kissing my neck again until he reached my sweet spot on the other side of my neck I sat back on his stomach and he began to suck softly on the sweet spot on my neck I started to dig my nails into the back of his neck as he brought his lips back to mine kissing hungrily. He went back to kissing on my neck and started to go lower he was kissing my upper chest. After many times of holding it in I couldn't anymore I let out a slight moan causing him to kiss my upper chest even hungrier. I start nibbling on his ear trying to contain myself I start to move down to his neck until he lets out a slight groan I start biting on that same spot then he lets out a slight moan. He sits up so I'm sitting on his lap with my legs around his body he pulls me closer and brings my face back to kissing him he starts kissing my sweet spot on my neck again I tangle my hands in his hair and tug a little as he sucks gently. He brings his face back to kissing me then I bite his lip and pull away slightly causing him to moan slightly. Then we hear a knock and cole say "Dana someone's here to see you" I get off of him with out warning "tease" he says "the doors for you" I mocked he sighed and got up while I went into the bathroom to check if I had any marks. Good thing I didn't so I walked back out and Dana was still sitting on the bed "the door was for you" I said "I know I was waiting for you to get out the bathroom so they don't think we were in there fooling around then they'll know what was going on" he said "good point" the cole knocked again I walked over and laid next to Dana "come in" Dana yelled with a sigh "well finish where we left off later" I whispered into his ear "no were not you tease" he whispered back "Dana Bella wants to see you" cole said poking his head into the door as he looked around the room to see if we were doing anything "what how does she know where we live?" He said annoyed that Bella was the one who came to see him cole shrugged "well I'm comfortable so if she still needs to see me tell her I'm up here" he said as I laid my head on his shoulder and he put his arm over me "ok" he said "BELLA HES UP HERE HE SAID IF YOU STILL NEED TO SEE HIM COME UP" he yelled we both looked at him "I'm lazy and I'm going to my room so why would I go down to go up?" He said we both shrugged and he walked away. Bella came and said "hey da-" and cut herself off and said "what is she doing in here?" She asked pointing at me "well uhmmmm this is my room" I said looking at her and raising my eyebrows "if this is your room why are you here Dana?" She said looking at Dana "because this is my girlfriend and this is something like my room because I'm in here a lot of time so yeah" he said not even looking at her "what does she have that I don't?" She asked "him" I said as Dana kissed me and I looked at her "hahaha very funny" she said sarcastically "well my love is number one" he said picking a channel then I got a text message.

From: batgirl(Alex)

I feel bad she's up there ruining you guys relaxing sorry

I showed the text to Dana and he said "yeah no kidding" then he whispered into my ear "tell them to come up with the guys maybe she'll leave and we can get back to our alone time" "that's what your calling it now alone time? Even though we get interrupted every time" I said "doesn't mean it's not alone time we just GET INTERRUPTED BY PEOPLE" he said as he yelled the last part so she gets the point. So I just shrugged and sent Alex this text.

To: batgirl

Dana said to come up with the guys and maybe she'll leave because he wants us to go back to just watching t.v and cuddling.

From: batgirl

Ok well be up in a minute 😁

I showed Dana the text then they all came in. Alex, Cassidy, and Jackie pushed past her to make a point "so what we watching?" Alex asked "ughhhh I'm going bye Dana" she said waving to Dana in a flirtatious way so he picked my face up and kissed me for a long time longer the usual. She rolled her eyes and we all heard the door slam behind her "OMG thank you guys so much" I said hugging all the girls "anytime boo now get back to your alone time" Alex and Cassidy said as they closed the door "where were we?" Dana asked smirking "wait" I said walking to the door and opening it to see Cassidy Alex Jackie will Gabe and cole fall on the floor of my bedroom "yes may I help you guys?" I said crossing my arms "fine goodnight you two" they all said and left "tomorrow ok" I said looking at Dana he pouted a little and nodded. We cuddled and then went to sleep.

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