Chapter twenty six: The interview

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Cole's p.o.v

I was awoken once again by my phone ringing like crazy. It was Jill so I slide my thumb to answer.

Phone convo

Me: we have another interview don't we?

Jill: yup you guys have 1 hour to get ready


End of phone convo

"EVERYBODY UP GET READY WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH HOLLYWIRE UP AND READY NOW!" I yell then I checked everybody's room nobody was in their room I went downstairs and everybody was in the living room ready "afternoon sleeping beauty" Gabe said "we have an interview so get ready" Will said "oh Jill told you guys already?" I said confused they all nodded then I went up to get ready. After I was done we went to the hollywire rooftop.


Interviewer: hello everybody I'm Jennifer with hollywire and today we are joined with famous boy band IM5. Hello guys how's everything?

Me:fine how's about you?

Jennifer: fine fine ok well introduce yourself for the folks at home who don't know each and everyone of you

Gabe:I'm batman

Everyone: *laughs*

Gabe: *after he's done laughing* no but in all seriousness I'm Gabriel morales

Will:well I'm Will

Dana: Dana here

Me: and I'm cole pendrey

Jennifer: ok now that that's out of the way I'm going to ask you a few questions then you guys are going to answer a few fan questions is that ok?

All of us: yeah

Jennifer: ok first question I know Dana is an only child how about you guys?

Gabe: I have a sister that's older then me

Jennifer:ok ok will?

Will: I have a brother that's younger then me and his name is Alex

Jennifer: ok cole what about you?

Me: well I have a younger sister that is 3 years younger then me. She actually lives with us and my mom had twins about a year or so ago so I have two sisters and one brother all younger then me

Jennifer: well that brings me to my next question actually cole. Would your sister happen to be the talented magenda pendrey?

Me: *nods* yup that's my little sister

Jennifer: and that brings me to my other question guys how is it living in a house with genda taking it that she is always doing her daily vlogs and stuff?

Me: it's actually fun we all have a good time and I personally think that it's better while she's recording

Jennifer: and why is that?

Me: well while she records her daily vlogs it's a good thing because we do crazy things all the time and if somebody like falls or say something funny or like we have like a sentimental moment it's not like most moments like that how everybody's like 'man we should of recorded that' because we already know that it is recorded

Jennifer: any opinions guys?

Gabe: no cole pretty much summed it up

Dana: and if you actually think about it a lot of the footage that she records being that she lives with us is technically like a behind the scenes of us as a band so it's like a behind the band you know like backstage and what happens backstage and stuff because she primarily home with us or out with us so it's like they watch her videos for her of course and it's like a little bonus because were usually in them too.

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