Chapter thirty eight: appoinments and fights

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Dana's p.o.v

I woke up got ready and left to go pick up Erica. She got into the car "hi babe" as she tried to kiss me "ok listen I'm not dating you that maybe my kid but that doesn't mean I'm yours" I said putting my hand on my cheek so she couldn't kiss me "oh your just playing hard to get and why do you say that it maybe your kid" she said "well maybe I don't remember us doing anything so of course I'm gonna have doubts" I said. She rolled her eyes "but it is your kid I'm not a slut I don't just go sleeping around with any random guy dana I'm all yours" she said putting her hand on my thigh "you maybe mine in your head but I'm genda's none the less" I said taking her hand off my thigh. We got to the hospital and waited then we heard "Erica Martinez" we both stood up "well hello dr. James you must be the baby's father" he said sticking out his hand "um yeah dana Vaughns" I said shaking his hand. We got to a room and he rubbed something on her stomach then began the X-ray thing "so looks like you guys would be having very healthy children" he said looking at the monitor "wait children like plural" I said confused "yeah you guys are having twins" he said with a smile "twins omg dana aren't you happy" Erica said "are they girls or boys" she added "I really wanted a boy then a girl" she kept on "well now you won't have to choose because your having fraternal twins" he said "what does fraternal mean?" She asked me and the doctor face palmed 'gosh she's dumb hopefully the kids don't get her brains' I though to myself "that means your gonna have a girl and a boy" I said shaking my head looking at her "then how are they twins?" She asked looking at the doctor I closed my eyes and shook my head "mrs. Martinez all that means is you are going to have a girl and a boy and they are going to look like each other" he said "oh well ok" she said. After that we left and I dropped her off at her house.

Magenda's p.o.v

I woke up and remembered dana needed to go with Erica to find out the sex of the baby. I went downstairs everybody was at the dinning room table "morning sleeping bum" Cole said "morning bum morning guys" I said sitting down "so what do you think?" Alex asked "think about what?" I asked confused "what the gender of the baby is?" Cassidy asked "oh well I personally wanted a boy then maybe a girl or twins like mom did but I mean I'm not the one that pregnant but with the size of her belly at four months my guess their having twins" I said "no I think it's just because she's fat" Cole said we all laughed "nah I'm with genda on this one I think she's having twins" Alex said "nah I'm on Cole's side I mean she's Prego so you know hormones weird food cravings she could just be fat" will said "I mean Cole does have a point" Gabe and Cassidy said "three to one genda David what do you think" Cole said "I'm with Cole" David said "ok let's see betting time" I said with an eyebrow raised "oh your on" he said "$35 bucks says its twins" I said "make it 55" he said "oh deal money on the table" I said he put $55 and so did I "anybody else wanna be apart of this?" I asked "oh I'm in I'm with genda on twins" Alex said putting 55 on top of the now $165 "oh I'm in on this 165 bucks I'm betting Cole's side" David said putting the money with the rest "I want a piece I'm sticking with Cole's side" will said adding money to the pile "yeah I'm not for sure so I'm just gonna sit this bet out" Gabe said "yeah me too" Cassidy said "ok so you guys watch the money" I said. Cassidy grabbed the money we heard the door open then close "hey everybody still here" I heard dana say "in here" Cole screamed "now we shall find out now shall we little sis" Cole said. Dana walked in "hey babe" he said as he kissed my cheek "so your having twins" I said looking at Cole with an eyebrow raised "how did you know?" He asked confused "ha Cole I'm always right" I said "no your not always right" he said "wait you got I'm having twins in hey babe" he said still sounding confused "there you have it he's having twins and I was right so face" I said sticking my tongue at him "ughhhh every time" Cole said "dam it Cole that was 55 bucks out my pocket ughhhh no fair I wanna re-vote how about we guess the genders of the baby?" Will said. Dana just sat there looking confused "how about it we try to guess the gender?" I said they all nodded "twin boys that's what I'm going with" Cole said "I was gonna say that" Alex said "I'm still going twin boys" she added "twin girls is my guess" will said "and what are you going with?" Cole asked looking at me "both" I said "hey no you can't do that you have to pick one or the other" will said "no my guess is their having fraternal twins" I said they shrugged "so dana what kind of twins are you having?" Cole asked with his fingers crossed "wait how much is on the line here?" He asked looking at us "um cass" I said. She took out the money and counted it "330 bucks" she said folding the money back "ok dana what gender is the kids?" Cole said "well genda looks like you have $330 babe" he said and kissed my cheek "yes I'm always right my money cass" I said Cole uncrossed his fingers and crossed his arms "well here you go genda" Cassidy said putting the money in my hand. I unfolded the money and got up "hey Cole you taste that?" I said "taste what?" He said "wait never mind you won't ever get to taste victory" I said slapping him playfully with the money "haha very funny genda your buying me food" he said "yeah nah I think I'll just drop this money in my bet money box I have hidden in my room" I said "yeah how much do you have in that box anyways?" Alex asked as I sat back down "enough to fly around the world twice" I said with a cheesy smile "wait what? How did you manage to get that much?" Gabe asked shocked "I don't know ask Cole why he always insists on turning things into a bet knowing I'm going to be right every single time" I said looking at Cole "hey I have faith that one day your gonna be wrong and I'm going to rub it in your face every single day after that" he said "yeah but until that day I'll be counting every single dollar I get from every single bet which may I say gets higher and higher every time Cole" I said putting the money in my pocket.

Bryan's p.o.v

After seeing dana and genda together I noticed they were better for each other also I kind of met somebody else and I didn't want to be apart of Erica's plan it felt wrong. So I went over to genda's house with my girlfriend "Bryan um hi what are you doing here? And who might be this beautiful girl here?" Genda asked opening the door "um hi genda this is my girlfriend Sabrina and I kind of need to talk to you and the rest of the people may we come in?" I asked she nodded and opened the door we walked in. Genda walked us into the dinning room "Bryan what are you doing here you jerk?" Alex said I looked around to see who was around and dana wasn't in the room thank god "um guys the baby that Erica is pregnant with isn't Dana's" I said "I'm just gonna wait in the car this should be a conversation between you guys" Sabrina said kissing me on my cheek then leaving "how did you know she was even pregnant how do you even know Erica?" Cole asked "um she's my sister and I kind of took her to get pregnant" I said scratching the back of my neck "what?" They all said. I nodded "well thanks for telling us Bryan looks like you have turned into new guy I'll tell dana when he gets back down" genda said hugging me as we both stood up. I nodded and left I walked to my car "babe that was a sweet thing to do" Sabrina said kissing my cheek I nodded and kissed her.

Dana's p.o.v

I was in the bathroom and I heard the door and stuff open then close then shortly after open and close again. I walked back down "who was that?" I asked sitting down "Bryan he came to tell us something and you should sit down" Cole said I pulled out a chair and sat down "well dana your not the dad of Erica's babies" Cole said "Cole I said to ease into it not just blurt it out like that" Alex said "what you guys those are my kids" I said "no their not dana their not even close to your kids their some strangers kids" Cole said "they are my kids" I said "why do you want to be the parents anyways?" Alex said "maybe because I want kids I want to be a dad" I said then I looked at genda she was looking at the table with her arms crossed. Alex looked at genda "you want kids with Erica" Alex said looking at me "no I mean I wanted kids so of course I want them to be my kids and I know they are my kids because it makes sense" I said as I looked at genda who was now playing with her fingers. I looked at Cole "dana you have your shit all confused you and genda always talked about having kids TOGETHER and now your just happy to be having kids with one of the girls that hate her because she has you" Cole said. I looked at genda and she sighed and shuffled a little "I know and I still do want kids with her but I-" I said until genda cut me off "dana their not your kids ok Bryan came over and told us everything that happened she went to the doctors and got pregnant ok but it's not like you'll care because you'd rather have kids with her so might as well just go and run off and be with her and just enjoy your life as a father of kids that aren't even yours" she said as she ran upstairs slammed the door and locked it. I put my face in my hands and sighed "dana their not your kids and I'm pretty sure you lost genda over this" Alex said putting her hand on my back "Alex I can't just say their not my kids without all the evidence to back it up" I said picking up my head "dana aren't we enough evidence you have Bryan literally came over and told us that their not your kids" Cole said I sighed.

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