Chapter thirty five: what just happened and secrets

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Dana's p.o.v

I got to the address and rang the doorbell "hey Dana come in just wait in the living room do you want anything to drink?" She asked as she opened the door and I walked to the living room "umm yeah water please" I said as I sat down "sure my brother should be out in a little so why don't you get comfortable" she said walking into the kitchen. As I sat down I just couldn't help but feel wrong like what if genda found out and stuff like that I took out my phone and looked at the lock screen 'ughhh dana what is wrong with you' I though then I heard "she's a great girl I didn't think you'll actually come" I heard a male voice say it sounded familiar I looked up to see Bryan "what are you doing here?" I said looking at him shocked "umm I kind of live here you know" he said as if it was obvious "your Erica's brother?" I said as my eyes grew wider "oh Bryan your just in time come sit you guys should get to know each other" she said as Bryan just chuckled a little "we kind of already met when he punched me in the face" he said walking over to us Erica handed me the water I took a little sip. The water tasted like something I couldn't quite explain "Erica this water taste weird" I said confused as I took another sip "oh must be because it is filtered water with ice the ice is made out of just tap do you want something else" she said "um no it's fine and about that whole punch thing yeah sorry about that" I said as I took another sip of the water the taste was kind of going away with every other sip "yeah no hard feelings I understand why you would do it" he said. We talked for 20 minutes then he checked his watch "shoot I gotta run I'll be back great talking with you dana" he said getting up and rushing out the door I was almost done with my water and I started to feel weird I was dizzy sleepy and I just didn't really remember anything "dana you look kind of out of it do you want to take a nap or something in the guest room?" Erica asked I nodded and she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the guest room. We got to the guest room 'dana what's wrong with you just go home why are you here' I thought to myself I sat on the bed and put my face in my hands then my phone rang I checked the caller ID and it was genda 'I can't answer it if Erica comes out the bathroom and says something I'm screwed and I can't lose her again' I thought to myself "gonna answer that?" Erica asked coming out of the bathroom as my phone stopped ringing "um it stopped" I said as. Erica walked over to me and ran her fingers down my body I didn't even know what was going on but I had a headache and I couldn't really think straight and next thing I know I was asleep.

Erica's p.o.v

Wow dana really hasn't drank before he was fast asleep after only like half the glass. After he fell asleep I took of her shirt and pants to make it seem like we did something and I just put them randomly on the floor. I called Bryan to pick me up so we could start part two of the plan he came picked me up and brought me to the place to get pregnant the doctor did the procedure and we left Bryan dropped me back at the house and I went back into the guess room dana was still asleep. I took my shirt and my shorts off and laid on the bed and put one of his arms over me. After five minutes dana woke up he sat up and looked around the room I was acting like I was asleep "Erica get up" he said shaking me "what?" I said in my sleepy voice "did we have sex?" He asked worriedly I nodded. Well he was easy to trick now wasn't he I walked to the bathroom and put on some pjs "I should get going bye" he said as he rushed out. Looks like I got him right where I want him genda looks like I'm going to have your little boyfriend now.

Magenda's p.o.v

I tried calling dana the whole ride to my parents he didn't pick up it would always go to voicemail 'what's going on with him?' I thought to myself as I walked into my parents house. I unlocked the door and walked in tommy Mariah and my parents were all in the living room "genda" Mariah and tommy said hugging my legs "hey you two" I said kissing their foreheads "hey sweetie me and your father really need to talk to you so Mariah and tommy this is adult talk so go to the backyard and play with the dogs please" my mom said kissing my cheek they both nodded and left. I sat in my old recliner "so what's up?" I asked and looked at them "so you and dana got back together" my dad said slightly annoyed "yeah" I said confused "why?" My dad asked "carlos" my mom said hitting his arm "guys what's going on?" I asked the both looked at me and sighed "we just don't think he's a good guy for you" my mom said grabbing my hand "but mom you guys were all for the relationship and when we broke up you wanted me to get back together with him and now you want me to break up with him" I said pulling my hand back and crossing my arms. She looked at me "that was before we knew the reason and seeing him with that girl" she said "we just think if he left you for another girl once he'll do it again genda that's all" my dad said "he won't and if he does then you guys have the right to say I told you so but right now I'm with him and I'm happy so please can I just make my own decisions" I said uncrossing my arms. They looked at each other and nodded I went up to my room and went to sleep.

Dana's p.o.v

Genda was trying to call me but I just haven't answered I went home and plopped myself on the couch. I turned on the TV 'see dana you had to just go "meet her brother" instead of spending your anniversary with the girl you love then avoid all of her calls' I thought to myself "ughhhhhh I'm so dumb" I said out loud then I heard the door open and close "told you he's here" Cole said as everybody came in behind him "dana is your phone broken?" Cassidy asked with her hand on her hip "no why?" I asked confused 'I know why because you've been avoiding all of your girlfriends calls dana' I thought to myself "then why haven't you answered any of your GIRLFRIENDS calls dana" Alex said yelling the word girlfriend 'you can't just say 'oh because I slept with her worst enemy and that's the reason why I canceled plans with her they'll hate me and Cole would kill me' I thought to myself "I was with my mom I didn't want to answer my phone while I was with my mom that'll be rude" I lied they all shrugged "you should at least Skype call her at least so she knows why you didn't answer" Cole said. I nodded and went up to my room and signed onto Skype I looked to see if she was on and she wasn't I sighed and just closed the laptop and put it on the night stand 'hopefully this doesn't blow up in my face I really can't afford to lose genda again I just got her back I just can't I actually love her I can't lose her so looks like everything that happened today is going to have to be a secret' I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

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