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Draco stands before me with his wand at the ready, I know what is to come but my body doesn't allow me to run away or fight back. I stand still with fear struck in my eyes, and when the spell leaves his wand my whole world slows down. I feel everything, the stillness in the empty room, the contact of the spell, and the way it fills up every corner and curve of my entire being till the pain is all over. I can't scratch it out, I can't bite it off, I can't rid of it... I'm swallowed whole. As my scream fills the room my head pounds as the light gets brighter. My surroundings distort into a pale whiteness until I'm blinded.


My lungs fill with a shaken gasp and my body shakes awake... It was a dream?

I get another fright when I hear commotion beside me. Professor Snape is looking right at me with his dull eyes, holding a vile of some potion. Right, he saved my life earlier today... So, it wasn't a dream.

"Professor--" I whisper, unable to speak loud enough. "Profess--" I begin to panic at the numbness of my vocals.

"Calm yourself, Harris, you passed out screaming. Your vocals are swollen... The potion will go into full effect soon and you'll be able to speak, meanwhile, you should try not to. It could ruin the healing, so lay back and keep your mouth shut."

He's subtly but so assertively caring. I stop myself from thanking him and rather smile weakly his way. He, of course, doesn't return it. I don't believe anyone will ever have the pleasure of seeing Professor Snape smile.

Snape comes over to me with another vile colored black that sets off alarms in my head. It doesn't look safe at all.

"What is--"


He pours the vile out into his hand and out falls black dust, before I can attempt to speak again he lifts his hand and blows the muck into my face. My body turns limp almost instantly and I feel myself falling back... His arms were ready to catch me and gently lay me back down in the hospital bed. I don't know how long I've been here, all I know is that I'm asleep. To be honest, I can't quite remember why or how I even got here.

I've been dreaming a lot though, that same nightmare I had before being knocked out again. Malfoy, he must be the devil... How could someone accidentally cast a spell as vile as the one he used on me, which as Professor Snape had said, was not a stun spell. I also do not believe that he didn't know the reverse spells, with every spell we learn it's vital to be taught the reversal spell at the same time. Maybe he's not supposed to know the spell at all. Whatever the matter, I'm not afraid of the consequences. Slythein can hate me, but I will put that Rat in his place.

"Ow!" I squeal, opening my eyes quickly.

Pansy, Daphne, and Tracey sit around me while a nurse is replacing my drip.

"What the--"

"Eris!" Tracey yelps, running to my side. "How do you feel?"

"Call Professor Snape," Pansy instructs the nurse.

"We thought you were dying," Daphne adds.

"It's been so damp without you, everyone's been hoping you'd wake up."

I'm so lost by whatever they're talking about.

Professor Snape comes barging in and sweeps the girls aside to examine me. His cold fingers brush against my cheek as he turns my head, his eyes land on something upon my temple. The girls look disturbed as he aims his wand at it, whatever spell he mutters under his breath makes my neck twitch once and then stop. It was like a quick pinch, equivalent to the drip needle. Snape steps back and looks over me.

"You'll be fine, you may discharge her as soon as you can." Snape says to both me and the nurse.

I lift my arm reluctantly to feel my left temple where Professor Snape tampered. I felt a strange outline, maybe a scar. That was never there before, it feels like it traveled all the way down my face... Now that I'm conscious I remember everything, I know why I'm here. Is the reason this mark is on my face because of Dracos' spell? And if it wasn't a stun spell, what was it?

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