Part 4

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(Do you like the thing I made above?)
It was all so overwhelming my parents knew what was wrong but nobody else did I want to know what happened.
What happened to Ethan,is he ok I'm not allowed to leave this room,am I right to forgive Grayson
I'm so glad Ethan's ok now,well partly ok mom told me what was wrong now she's begging me to not tell Ethan. He has to leave school he has to do Online school. I want to tell him.
A few hours later
They don't know what's wrong they're doing loads of tests,I have to leave school I can't move properly I can't walk and I have to get my stuff from my locker.
On a Wednesday going into school Grayson pushing me into school hurt, I wish I could walk I wish I wasn't temporary paralysed I wish I could talk, we approached my locker we hear from the corner people chatting shit about me and laughing about the fact that I was alone Monday,Grayson walked up to them and said "stop leave him alone Jennifer" Grayson
I put my head round the corner and asked "E are you good" he didn't answer and I put my head down and said "oh". Jennifer held my head up and said "what's wrong Baby" I ignore her and go round the corner she runs after me and sees Ethan I say to Ethan "I wish you could communicate" he tried to nod but he couldn't i grabbed his stuff and layed it on Ethan's legs then I go to my locker and get my books. I decided to do online school with him. I go back to Ethan and I see Jennifer taking his stuff. I shout "Jennifer what the fuck are you doing" she replied with "so I can't bully your brother look he won't do anything" she grabbed one of his medals and threw it on the floor laughing and so did everyone else in school I just lost it "HES FUCKING PARALYSED HE CANT DO ANYTHING" they all instantly stopped laughing then I wheeled Ethan out of there.
I took him back to his room and our parents were there they had all his belongings there I asked them what they were doing they said they were moving I was already pissed at them and I shouted again and kept shouting "YOU CANT FUCKING LEAVE NOW YOU'RE HIS FUCKING PARENTS IF YOUR NOT HERE WHAT CAN WE DO WHAT ABOUT ME WHERE WOULD I LIVE HOW WOULD I SURVIVE WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH  YOU LEAVING AT A TIME LIKE THAT YOU ARE HORRIBLE PARENTS" people came swarming in dragging me away and I started crying and they left me in a waiting room.
Shortly after mom and dad left
Doctors were running to where the rapid beeping was I heard my name called several times "GRAYSON DOLAN" I instantly run and it was Ethan he was having a heart attack. I couldn't watch all them doctors help him and give him treatments it wasn't right.
I leave the room crying and I go to Alya's room she sitting on her bed writing she sees me closes her book and throws it across the room. I look up and she sees my tear stained cheeks and hugs me instantly. I ask her to come help me at school to get mine and Ethan's stuff since I left it there. She said "I can ask" I walk to the reception since Alya can't come because of her tubes for her oxygen  I requested to talk to Dr Alice Fardin Dr Fardin I ask for Alya and she gave me a filter I run to Alya and help her attach her tubes and attach it the the oxygen tank. We start walking to the school and we walk in everyone stared as we walked back to the stuff. We picked it up and left. We got back to the hospital and approached Ethan's room we laid his stuff on the floor we stared at Ethan who now had tubes, then Alya started to suffocate she fell and I instantly picked her up and carried her like a baby to her room which was 23 when Ethan's was 27 I attach her tubes and laid her in her bed she could breathe again I put my hand on her arm and asked if she was ok she said she was ok.

Oh shit friends, will Grayson break up with Jennifer is Ethan in a coma or just sleeping what's wrong with Ethan does Alya get better

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