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"Sam!" Alex yells to the comms as they fight the invasion of Daxamites in the middle of the DEO. "A little help would be much appreciated!"

"Just trying to clean up the streets!" Sam answers back, kicking a soldier into the trash bins in the alleyway of the alien bar and met with another one right after. She kicks him in the crotch, making him fall over in pain. She sighs, flipping her braid and cape back as her alto ego Reign. "Men," she mutters to herself. "Where's everyone else?" she asks as she takes to the skies to take down some Daxamites on fliers.

"I'm cornered in the precinct!" Maggie yells over the shots fired.

"Kinda busy with Queen Bitch," Kara grunts into the comms.

"I'm making sure they don't get near the people!" Mon-El reports.

"J'onn and I are on the other side of the city kicking their asses," says M'gann, trading hits with an elite soldier.

Sam spins in the air and throws the flier into another one, making them explode in the collision. "Winn?" 

"Helping Lena."

"We almost got it!" she says next.

Sam looks across the city where she had a clear view of the DEO and saw Alex running up to the broken balcony, jumping and turning to shoot at the following aliens.

"Goddamit." She flew at her top speed and weaved around buildings, punching beamed down Daxamites along the way. She sped over when Alex was halfway down the fall and caught her bridal style, flying her down into the garage where her motorcycle was.

"You're crazy!" Sam exclaimed, hitting her lightly on her arm when she put her down.

"I knew you'd catch me," Alex says with a cheeky smirk.

"Whatever," she grumbled, grabbing her collar to meet her lips in a firm, passionate kiss. "Don't die."

"Love you too, Reign."

"Kinda need her, don't I?" Her eyes flashed red for a second before turning back to their normal brown. 

"Don't die or I'll bring you back to life and murder you myself, Alexandra," Reign threatened in her lower voice. 

"Just kick Daxamite ass, got it." Alex revs her bike to life. "Go get 'em." Reign smirks and flies out the garage to fight the rest of the invasion. Alex shortly exiting behind her at high speeds, turning sharp, making her way downtown, shooting blue rays with her new gun at every Daxamite she came across.

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