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Sam sighs in frustration as she pinches the bridge of her nose over her work. She looks at the clock over her fingers and groans. "Dammit."

She drives home in almost the almost darkness of California. Thanks to their long summer days, the sun only went down when it turned to nine o'clock. Bad news is, Sam stays later at L-Corp, not even looking to check the time.

Once inside the house, she drops her purse and keys and takes off her heels. She hears some music and singing from upstairs in the bathroom. Her eyes slightly narrow as she tries to recognize the song, but no luck from where she was. She went up the stairs silently to see what it was.

Sam padded over to the bathroom and opened the door to see little four-year-old Ruby, her hair wrapped in a small Supergirl towel in her matching pajamas in Alex's arms, both of them singing to Girl Like You by Maroon 5. Alex was bouncing the little girl slightly in her arms as she rocked her back and forth as they sang together, both with smiles clearly present on their faces. Sam leaned against the doorframe and smiled, letting her frustration from the day wash away as she sees her two loves in front of her being so carefree and silly.


Ruby turns her head at the same time Alex does to see a smirk on her face, leaning against the frame. "Momma!"

Alex grins. "You love us though."

"Probably why I married you."


Sam grins jokingly. "Yeah, okay, that's why I married you."

"And had her."

"And had her." Ruby stuck her arms out to be held by her momma, Sam cooing in her ear as she peppers her face with kisses, making the young girl giggle. "Did you have fun with Mommy today?"


"Geez, not even a 'Hi, honey, I'm home!' from the Mrs.?" Alex asks with humor.

Sam rolls her eyes at her wife. "You think you're funny."

"I know so."

Sam rolled her eyes once more before giving the shorter woman a kiss on the forehead. "I'll put her to bed. Speaking of which, why are you up so late?" she questioned the young girl in her arms, attacking her side with a tickle, getting her to squeal as they walked out the bathroom, leaving Alex there to lean against the doorframe, watching them go down the hall with a smile on her face.

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