chapter eight : Truth

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I pressed my ear against the cold window, trying to listen what was going on.

" I'll eat you"

I could hear farquaad saying that alright and whatever was going on between Gingy and Farquaad nauseated me.

Had Farquaad really moved on so fast? Didn't the kiss we shared mean anything to him?
It wasn't the time to ponder on this stuff so I pressed my ear against the window again.

"listen here, Gingy. If you fail to finish my homework, I'll eat you" he threatened and Gingy sobbed harder as a response.

I heaved a sigh of relief and hated myself for it. It didn't matter They weren't together. Something really fishy was happening, and I had to check if everything was okay with Gingy.

"why would you do this, Farquaad? I haven't gone home in days. Let me go, please I beg you" Gingy cried and pleaded.
Farquaad smiled slyly and licked Gingy's head.
"stop! Alright I'll do what you say. Give me your homework"

Farquaad cackled and handed over his books for Gingy to finish and then he continued
"why, you ask? Well Gingy That's because I loath this place. I hate everything about it except for one person maybe.. " he smiled to himself.

Gingy obediently kept on completing Farquaad's work while farquaad kept on talking.
"I haven't met him in a while.. And I miss him dearly, his face, his green body... Of course I knew it would be hard to make him mine, and donkey was making it harder, with his little crush on my love.."

Gingy stopped writing and looked up at farquaad disbelievingly
"so you.... "

"so I stole the onions." Farquaad said completing Gingy's words.

Gingy gasped.

"I had a fair idea that shrek would be mad, but I didn't know he'd escalate to that level." farquaad sighed.

I was frozen in shock and overwhelmed with feelings I was unaware I could feel.
I couldn't see or hear any of it any longer. I had to apologize to Donkey and explain him the truth.
I was just about to slide down the pipe when I heard Gingy shrieking.
Panicked, I looked inside the room again and to my horror, farquaad was chomping on Gingy's head all the while trying to break his hands.

It was inhuman.

I shattered the window with my bare hands and jumped into the room.
Farquaad was taken aback by shock but he didn't stop hurting Gingy.
"leave Gingy alone" I hissed emphasizing on my every word.
For some reason, Farquaad had tears streaming down his face.Gingy had already passed out from the pain. Farquaad screamed and broke off Gingy's leg and ate it.

That was it. I couldn't let him Hurt Gingy anymore so I grabbed the thing that was nearest to me which was a lamp and smashed it hard right into Farquaad's head. He fell down and stopped moving. Blood had started to pool around his limp body but I didn't care. I lifted up Gingy and his broken body pieces and slid Down the pipe. Swearing never to come back to this place ever again.

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