Living in the present ch. 3

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Pov - collete

I had been talking to shay about dinner when the phone rang. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey mom! it's Avia. "

"Hi honey". I loved Avia so much. She was my first baby girl. The day she attempted to commit suicide will remain with me forever though. Her and daxton have a very bad relationship because of it.

6 minutes later I hung up with Avia. She told us she was coming home for a visit with Gavin and emmi for 2 weeks. She had moved to San Francisco to get a record label when she was 20.

I couldn't wait to see them!

Pov - Natalie

"Kids, go clean your room, the older kids are coming home!"mom called.

Since cara and I are twelve mom is really protective of us. Brock told me he thinks it's because Avia tried to kill her self at twelve and she never wants that to happen to us. Don't tell the others but Brock is my favorite sibling. "Bwock" was my first word. We have always been close but especially when the older kids moved out. Cara was close with Avia. They are so similiar. I'm more shy and cara is more out there, singing in the shower kinda girl. I love lily too. She really looks up to Dax and me I think. Cara has always been more mature then me I think.

Gavin pov -

I was living in Utah. Logan lived with me and life was great. I went to World Cup. I didn't win but I achieved my goal of making it onto that field. Avia and emmi and I were flying home for two weeks and I couldn't wait. Wow. We have a lot of tards. I was sitting in a Starbucks sipping a caramel frapiccino waiting for av and Emmi, looking at a picture on my moms instagram. It was a pic dad took of all us tards. The caption read "can't wait to see all my munchkins today".

SOntard, princesstard, babytard, rocktard, brotard, dreamtard, smile tard, candytard. Holy crap that's a lot. I liked the pic just as emmi walked in with Avia. I got up and hugged them. "Gavin , missed you so much." Avia exclaimed.

"We'll just order and then we can head for the airport."

Two cotton candy fraps later we were on our way.

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