Ch. 5 the whole family

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Pov - Avia
"Hi mom! I missed you!" I said.
" Me too honey it's been a long time! lily is going to sleep with the twins tonight so you can sleep in your own room."
''Ok thanks mom."


Pov - Emmi

"Hey everyone! guess who's home! Babytard, p tizzle and sonnnnnntarddddd! " Dad was vlogging.

"Hi guys!" I said to the camera.
''Miss me?".
"They sure do in the comments!" dad replied. I unpacked, ate moms amazing enchiladas and played tag with the twins and Gavin. I was just changing out of my jeans and into my pjs when mom walked in. "Honey , I just want you to know how much I love you and I'm so glad you're home."
"Aww thanks mom , it's good to be home. "
"Night sweet emmi."

A/n sooo hope you guys like it! Please go follow my instagram @shaytards_family_fan 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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