Baby - chapter 8

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Pov collette

The whole family was renting a mansion in Oregon for two weeks. Everyone and I mean everyone! All of Casey an kaylis family including Braille and her new baby boy Matt , she married a boy named Chris. Carlie and cooper were coming, Logan Morgan and their babies bailey and Lauren. Our whole crew and grandma Laurie and grandpa Carl. When Avia arrived I ran over to give her a huge hug...and her baby bump!! She looked so good for being that big! Emmi and her were going shopping to as princesstard called it "sister shopping bonding." I played with Matt for a bit and then found Gavin. He was wearing headphones watching the vlog when I announced we were having daxton. He was cuddling lily and crying a little.

"What's wrong Gavin?" I asked.

"I feel like now that Avia is pregnant that I need to get married and have kids because I'm older." gavin said.

"Oh gav that's not true! Avia didn't even mean to get pregnant! you have tons of time! I waited a while to have daxton so you can wait to." I kissed both of them on the head and told them to come have supper.


Pov emmi

When people ask my dad if the kids pearsonalities have changed he says all of them have become a lot more mature and grown up ...except babytard. And it's true!!!! I'm still the little Tasmanian devil, candy, Taylor swift fangirl I was ten years ago! I am dating a boy named Brandon but we aren't even thinking about babies yet.

Pov Avia. I am nine months pregnant. I wasn't supposed to go on this trip. It's my due date TODAY. I woke up in a bit of pain so I went to the bathroom but right before I got their it happened water broke. It was so scary. "Mommmmmm" I screamed!

"What honey" "my water broke ...and it hurts!"

"Get in the car..who do you want to come?"

"Dad, y-you, emmi and Carlie!" I screeched.

We got to the hospital in record time. Mom was crying and Carlie and emmi were holding my hand. I was in so much pain but at the same time so excited.

"Where do we go?" dad asked.

When we made it to our room I layed in the bed while Carlie and emmi went to go get us icees.

"Honey I'm so proud of you, you are so special mom said."

When Carlie and emmi came back they gave me the eppidural and then it was time to push.

"Come on baby we see his nose!" dad said. "I love you Avia !" emmi said. Push! out he came. Mom and I were crying. They put him in my arms. My own beautiful little girl! "What's her name?" Carlie asked.

"Katie... moms middle name."

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