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that is what her parents look like before her dad kills the clan)

Shizuka P.O.V

Me and Naruto decided to have ramen tomorrow much to his displeasure, so we sat on the hokage mountain watching the sun set we heard door steps so we turned around to see the hokage.

"Oh, hey Gramps!" I said he chuckled and said " Hello, Shizuka, Naruto. May I ask why you are up here? " I nodded and said " That's because I many just a little tiny bit over did it with my singing... And many the whole village and many other villages in a hundred miles radius heard me song so now I have a bunch of fanboys chasin' after me...*sigh* " Naruto and him laughed "What!?! What's so funny?" Naruto stopped laughing and looked at me and said " That's because you aren't going to hear the last of it from them! " a look of realization crossed my face "...Oh shit..." The hokage gave me 'The look' I gulped "Sorry gramps!" He chuckled and shook his head "It's okay Shizuka, but you two should really head home." We nodded.

~Time skip~

Kakashi P.O.V

Heard the door open so I looked up and saw Shizuka panting heavily "Umm, are you okay?" She looked up and glared at me " *pant* No *pant* I'm Not *pant* Okay At all I just got chased by a bunch of fanboys!! " she yelled waving her arms around "Do you have any masks I can wear?" I thought about it " I don't know let me check. "

I walked back down stairs with a mask From when I was a kid "Here. Do not lose it!" I said and she nodded and went to wash up for dinner and came back with the mask on and said " Well? How does it look? " and did a twirl with one foot up and one on her tippy toes' I chuckled at her childish behavior and said "It looks awesome on you!" She let out a sigh of relief and I got up to make dinner.

Shizuka P.O.V

Right before kakashi-nii left to make dinner he threw me a box I caught it and opened it I looked in and there was my mother's locket with a picture of her and dad and me as a baby mom on the right holding me with her left arm and dad on the left with his right are wrapped around mom's waist them both looking at me smiling and me smiling my own vary first smile.

I laughed at it and the other side was empty so I frowned at that I looked in the box and there was a letter I opened it and I said

Dear Shizuka,

It's me mom this is a gift that I wanted to give you on your twelfth birthday it's a locket with me you and your father.
On the left side is where you put your special someone
I am sorry but I will not be alive for this letter for there was a war going on in this time.

~Love Mom

At the end of the letter I was crying I walked in to the kitchen and looked at Kakashi-nii her looked at me with sad eyes, well, eye and said "You must have read the letter." I nodded and walked up to him and hugged him and whispered " Thank you for this gift. " and pulled apart from the big and he smiled and wipes the tears off of my face and says "Now, go sit down Shizuka, dinners almost done. And you have the graduation test tomorrow!" I hurriedly ran and sat down he chuckled and sat the plate in front of me and I almost inhaled it all and ran up stairs and showered then I got dressed and ran and jumped into bed!

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