[00] A New Place

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a new place


"Wake up"
Kim Namjoon's eyes open on command, looking over at the older man in a suit standing next to his bed. Today was the day he was leaving for Bangarde, per his father's wish of course. Because why would Namjoon have the luxury of choosing his own university. The thought alone was enough to make his father scoff then send him back to his room to finish his studies.

But now as he sat up in his bed to face his butler, he'd come to terms with going to Bangarde despite having his own dreams for his future. The older man handed him his tea then bowed and left the room like he did every morning. Routine was key in his household. If anything changed there would surely be chaos. Or at least that was his father's thoughts. Namjoon had a reputation to uphold. Going to Bangarde would help him do this without seeming like the weak link that he truly was.

See, the Kim family is a family of some of the most powerful witches. Namjoon was expected to follow suit. But he couldn't. He literally could not follow the legacy, he was the runt of the litter. Namjoon's magic wasn't strong and frankly, it hurt him more to use than whoever he may use it on. Although the rumors say otherwise, claiming that Namjoon didn't use his magic simply because it was too powerful. But only him and his family knew the truth about it.

The morning continued as it normally would. The young witch getting dressed and making himself look proper for the day before making his way downstairs to get his breakfast. His family wasn't present, though Namjoon didn't expect much less from them. He ate in silence and soon left the house. Pulling his suitcase behind him, he made his way to the nearby portal. With pursed lips, the boy pulled out the silvery-green rune from his pocket and held it up to the gate.

The portal sprung to life, a spiral of green illuminating the center. Namjoon took a breath, his piercing green eyes faintly glowing as he walked through and onto the courtyard for his new home. Bangarde, School for Peculiar Beings.


Well, that could've gone worse. This is just a small taste of Bandarde, just like the one I put up in my journal. Expect updates more so towards the end of February, and they will be slow so thank you for being patient with me. -v-

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