[04] A Deal

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a deal


Taehyung fumed as he stormed towards the dining hall, small growls leaving him as he walked. He couldn't get Jungkook's comments or his voice out of his head and it only seemed to add to his anger with the vampire. "Stupid human looking- Y'know I bet he's a spy, sent here to destroy the school! He has that look in his eyes...I bet the red coloring is just stupid contacts!" The werewolf ranted to Jimin who hardly was listening. Jimin knew Taehyung just had to get it out of his system, so he was there to be an ear to hear it, and also get food because he had a craving for some sushi and was silently praying to Posideon that Bangarde would provide him what he desired.

"I can't believe I'm roomed with such an arrogant, selfish little brat! I mean honestly! Isn't this..place..." Taehyung's rant trailed off as his ears perked up, looking around as if listening. Jimin noticed this and furrowed his eyebrows at the odd behavior.

"Uh...Taehyung? You good?" Jimin asked as he got closer to Taehyung. "Yo, wolf boy?" He waved a hand in front of Taehyung's face which finally seemed to snap him out of his trance-like state. "The hell was that about?"

Taehyung didn't answer for a moment. "I heard..music?" He mumbled, pursing his lips before he grabbed Jimin's hand and ran off with him.

"H-Hey! Slow the fuck down, will ya?! Not all of us have dog genetics!" Jimin yelled as he was pulled by the younger, stumbling over his own feet. But Taehyung didn't say a word, he just kept running around the dimly lit halls, the only sounds to be heard were their footsteps and Jimin's complaints.

The two slowed to a stop outside of one of the classrooms, the music Taehyung had heard prior now sounded louder. Jimin listened in to the sound of the piano, a haunting yet smooth piece being played with an obvious amount of talent behind it. The two boys glanced at each other before Taehyung leaned in closer to the door to listen.

"Ah, I swear it's better every time you play that Yoongs." A voice chuckled from inside, sounding cheery yet slightly arrogant. "You should let more people listen."

"Very funny." A calmer voice scoffed. "I'd rather keep it to myself and you-"

Taehyung walked into the room without bothering to knock, though he was confused when he found the room to be empty and the music had stopped. "The hell..?"

"Taehyung..let's just go get our food." Jimin mumbled, clearly not as curious as Taehyung was.

"No, I heard something!" Taehyung insisted as he walked over to the old piano. The instrument was dusty and clearly not taken care of, but still held this sort of aura about it. He was about to touch one of the dusty old keys but stopped when he heard Jimin gasp. "What? What is-"

"Doll I'm gonna have to ask you not to touch what isn't yours.." A figure turned Taehyung around, tipping his chin up so that Taehyung would be forced to look at him and his devilish smirk. "Even I know my manners, tsk tsk little pup." The stranger shook his head before flicking Taehyung's nose, earning a small whimper from the werewolf.

Taehyung covered his nose with his hands after being flicked. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize.."

"Hoseok let him go, he didn't hurt anything." The calm voice from before spoke, though Taehyung couldn't spot said voice until he saw the light shift and an opaque figure of a person approached.

The person apparently called Hoseok huffed but let Taehyung go. "Ruining my fun as always old man." He muttered, clearly annoyed.

The ghost rolled his eyes before looking to Taehyung. "You should run along now before you see what a demon is capable of." He hummed. Taehyung's eyes went wide before quickly nodding and scrambling to his feet. He dragged Jimin out with him as they ran towards the dining hall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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